Perry will echo a discordant note, the sound resonates from his blade as he targets two of the mages. He looks on at his allies and smiles, "Alright everyone, show let's show these ruffians wots wot!"
Specific Action: move up into range and casting a level 3 Hold Person on two mages while the others carve them up. Bonus action, mantle of inspiration on Velon, Cratol, Perry, and Lawrence. Each of you get 8 temporary hit points, advantage on your next saving throw, and can use your reaction to take a full movement action without provoking opportunity attacks if you want.
Out of Character: Those two mages need to make DC 18 Wisdom saves.
Edited: seath on 14th Oct, 2018 - 4:28pm
Poljen and Mari between them butcher the mage in front of their door as Lia blesses them. Tazskan fires over their shoulder to tag another man a bit further off.
On the other side of the courtyard, Perry causes two men to stiffen with more than just surprise as Velon's team steps out. Lawrance summons his air elemental, which proceeds to batter at a small cluster of men off to the north. Morgaine and Cratol move out to attack the two helpless mages. Velon's hammer crunches into the ribcage of Morgaine's target.
Meanwhile, Cyanwrath's group is in disarray, with people still fighting amongst each other, and a foe they cannot see in their midst. Someone casts a spell, and a strong wind blows up, dispersing the cloud that had induced so much infighting. Most of those in its sway seem to be recovering rapidly. Several more spells go off in quick succession, those skilled in the arcane arts will recognize several castings of Dispel Magic. The Wyverns disappear, and a giant metal beetle, obviously the gnomes' construct, can suddenly be seen at the center of the chaos. It snatches up a man in its mandibles and bites hard enough to break the warrior's back. Cyanwrath, more than a head taller than anyone else on the field, can be seen hacking at one of the thing's legs.
Most of those still near the outer perimeter run towards the center, answering their commander's rallying cry. Apparently, at least for the moment, dealing with the construct has been deemed more important than dealing with the Blaze. Someone launches a bolt of fire at Velon, and an arrow seek's Mari, but both miss.
Out of Character: 41 enemy combatants on the field remain. 1 is paralyzed in front of Velon's group, 1 is busy trying to fight Lawrance's air elemental. The other 39 are loosely clustered around the beetle construct. Most of the mages have retreated away from the wizards' creation, while the warriors are mostly pressing in. Enough of the latter group remain with the former to form thin screens between them and the members of the blaze.
Edited: daishain on 15th Oct, 2018 - 2:29am
Tazskan, moves forward 10 feet, extends his hand, lets loose with two eldritch beams again, while clutching his pact keeper rod in the other hand.
Aiming, at the closest cultist to him, trying to punch a hole in the cultist makeshift screen?, in the center.
Out of Character: Dai, how far is the center, where the cultists are attacking the beetle construct, away from where Poljen's team are currently? Are they within 80 feet or so?
Edited: anronrosby on 15th Oct, 2018 - 5:43am
Wary of any counterattack from the enemy, Lawrance sustains the control of the Elemental from the doorway. Watching the one who is engaging the huge creature, he readies his abilities to prevent any easy dismissal of his ally. Commanding it to pick off the less-able fighters and other minor enemies, he makes sure it understands not to attack the beetle or his friends.
For his own part, he takes careful aim and launches a tiny pellet of fire into the middle of the group, trying to center it so the beetle is on the edge and it doesn't encompass any of the party.
Specific Action: Ready with Counterspell if any of the bad guys try to banish or dispel the elemental or any major spell. Fireball as described using a 4th level slot. DC 16
Out of Character: - out of third level slots, [By The Way].
Edited: Gknightbc on 15th Oct, 2018 - 6:36am
Perry moves up and attempts to finish the paralyzed mage with a brutal echoing slash.
Specific Action: Booming Blade on the paralyzed mage, hopefully finishing him before moving on here.
Out of Character: Attack has advantage and I'm rolling [Critical Hit] damage too since he's paralyzed.
Poljen sees most of their immediate foes move towards the center and gives chase. He has faith that any magic cast by his companions will not target him, or if it does, it will be the sort he can easily shrug off. For a brief moment he considers calling out Cyanwrath's name to see if it distracts him, but decides that the time is not yet ripe for such a tactic.
Out of Character: : If needed to catch up to the enemy he will use his Bonus to Dash. Obviously melee targets now will mostly be fighters rather than mages. He will leave the mages for the ranged attackers to target. If due to movement he gets a AoO, let me know.
Velon lobs a fireball at the cluster in the center, definitely trying to avoid any Blaze members and ideally getting a good cluster of bad guys but avoiding the construct, if possible. Whatever makes the most sense per Dungeon Master's discretion, I suppose, as I bet the construct can take a little heat.
Out of Character: Absolutely no clue if the center is 150ft away or a mile, but given the lack of information I'm official declaring that it is close.