Without expending resources, you can capture 10, most magically asleep, others downed but stable.
Another 10 or so could be saved if you bind their wounds.
EDIT: was just about to describe loots and the like, got to run though. Feel free to describe yourselves rounding up the loot and freeing/binding prisoners. Back soon with details. Edited: daishain on 25th Apr, 2017 - 12:15pm
Daishain, I've came up with a name and some information about the rescued half-elven woman. I put the information about her in the sidekick section of Lia's character sheet. I can't wait to have her join us. Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Apr, 2017 - 7:55pm
Maybe she has some roguish skills. Perhaps thieves tools. I don't think anyone in the group currently is proficient with those. She could help in that aspect. She has made her way about in part by theft and now sees something else to strive towards.