One last reminder. Make sure to warn them about the group of kobolds that was sticking to the road. We don't know where they are now. They were 40-60 strong, with at least 3 mages. I'm sure they'd appreciate the warning so they keep using outriders to watch for them.
As the group spreads out in the morning dies Fay notice any groups that look easy to pick off or stragglers? Knowing what he knows of the terrain, are there any places in the direction the enemy is headed that seem good to set up an ambush?
EDIT I'm thinking ahead here. If the reinforcements are moving slowly we may need to figure out a way to slow this force down. Ambushes and harassing attacks are made for that. Edited: Abnninja on 15th May, 2017 - 11:07pm
Let me clarify, they are not separating, just marching in a line mostly perpendicular to their path, most likely to avoid producing deep tracks from many stepping in the same area.
As to ambushes, the nearest location where such would be even possible would be in the foothills near the mountains ahead.
P.S. We just might have a Chekhov's Poison Vial situation. Mari has fiddled with that thing too often for it to not be used to dramatic effect at some point :P. Edited: daishain on 16th May, 2017 - 1:59am
Daishain, with Lia back in Greenest, however temporarily, can we assume that the enemy has actually circled in a clockwise direction and is now roughly southwest of Greenest? The first several days they went east on the road, then broke southeast, then southwest, then turned west. That is my reading. Would we be able to get a rough distance from Greenest as well?