In response to Abn's query. For any basic things, like just watching the camp's general behavior, don't worry about rolling. If you want to observe specific guard patterns, give me a perception check. If you want to memorize a detailed layout, that'd be a raw Int check.
Generally speaking, just go ahead and roll what you think is appropriate rather than waiting for me to respond to a query. If I needed something else, I'll usually just reuse your roll with the correct modifiers slapped on there.
P.S. While I'm thinking about it, regarding the use of Onwen's Counterspell. How about this: When rolling for combat and prepared to use counterspell, give me an arcana check and a conditional trigger. For instance, "I'll counter any noncantrip spells", or "I'll counter any AOE or enchantment school spells.", or "I'll counter everything from archmage evilmcbill, but ignore his acolytes' castings", or some combination of such things. If the arcana check is good enough to glean the right info and the spell fits your criteria, I'll have Onwen attempt to zap the things midcast automatically. Should save us both some discussion on whether or not you want to counter something. Sound good? Edited: daishain on 17th May, 2017 - 2:19am
Regardless, you guys do have a decision to make, they seem fairly off guard now, but risks are still high, and a slipup now could be disastrous. You could also wait and watch, see if matters change at all. Just let me know.