Daishain, I am preparing my other char and will post it in the Character thread so everyone can have a good look at it.
I'll say right now I am thinking of making a gentleman-burglar / swashbuckler type of human rogue, which could come in handy since we only have Mari's rogue skills to rely on sofar and the bard spot is secured with Fay's presence in the Blaze.
Another option would be to go for a ranger or maybe another fighter, but I tend to favor the rogue class on this one.
Any comments or opinions on this ? I'll post the first sketch in Char thread in a little while…
Half dragons are born of a dragon and human in this case. Dragonborn are humanoids that are similar to dragons but were created by dragons. It all depends upon the setting. They are descended from dragons in some and were created by dragons in others. Half dragons are much closer to dragons since they have a dragon parent and are inherently more powerful. Cyanwrath was a half dragon. I'm sure Daishain is much more familiar with how they came about in the Forgitten Realms. Edited: Kyrroeth on 12th Jun, 2017 - 6:29am
The original dragonborn (3.5e) were devotees of Bahamut, dwarves, elves, humans, etc. That gained draconic features through a ritual of rebirth.
4e changed things up and made them an actual race of creatures. An unkind comparison would call them overgrown kobolds with a breath weapon.
5e kept up this trend (I still prefer how they were in 3.5e, but I'm not going to override one of the main PC race entries)
And so, Dragonborn are a distinct species. Probably one of the less common ones, so I would likely number their population in the mid 6 digit range.
Half dragons like Cyanwrath and the child you picked up however are not a distinct species, but rather a hybrid. A crossbreeding between a True Dragon and a humanoid. They're extremely rare, there might be 2-300 of them in the entire world before this cult started this breeding program. (And there'd be much less than that if they didn't have such long lifespans) Which makes the fact that there are several hundred eggs in that hatchery especially significant.
For an idea of the power difference, the half dragon template from 3.5e had a +3 level adjustment. Meaning a level 1 half dragon character was regarded roughly as powerful as a level four character with a standard race.
With regard to the subject of a time jump, I am game for anything and have complete faith in our Dungeon Master to make the call. You've done a great job with this campaign since I joined Daishain, thank you!
That being said, my only two thoughts are simply…
1) It seems like options such as tracking the army, saving the next city, finding another hideout like the one we're still clearing, etc. Could all be very time sensitive with regard to stopping all of the havoc Tiamat's followers are creating. A six month time jump, for example, seems odd to me since we could oppose them as we did in Greenest many times during that span.
2) I'm not sure it would suddenly cause everyone to start role playing differently with regard to arguing over every in-game decision that is made, etc.. I feel like that's a decision we as players have to make to modify our character behavior and embrace the play style and in-character personalities of others for the good of the game group now, regardless of how long we say it takes in-game. I do suppose, as Daishain suggested, that some general discussion of "During this time Velon and character X have bonded and learned to trust one another's decision making" would make role playing the characters even easier though.
Up to you Daishain! I'm sure you'll make the right choice.
Thanks for the well thought out post. I don't believe we argued over every in game decision. We did have some interesting character to character dynamics going on. The bottom line though is that this is a game. But it is a game about characters that come to life. That's why I like it so much. When they take on a life of their own it means there could be conflict. I like the conflict between Cratol and Fay. KN wants to play that and I'm okay with it. But if we jump ahead six months maybe that has all worked itself out. But these are things we need to start discussing.
I would still like to hear from PaulNelson what the 'give and take' is and what 'old habits' we can't fall back into that he wrote about.
The short answer to 1 is that the immediate threat will be dealt with shortly. Suffice it to say that you're not the only active group in motion at present, and these developments have caught the attention of rather important people.
Normally, as things wind up here you'd be getting a few hints that lead to the next best way to hurt the cult's efforts. With the revised schedule, you'll be left without those hints, and eventually move on to other affairs. When we resume, you'll be contacted by someone with more information.
As for 2, a notable part of the conflict lies in terms of in character relationships. Normally, I'd let it play out, as such can be great RP. But things already got out of hand once, and I know many are tired and distressed by it. This gives us a chance to hit the fast forward button on the process of healing the rift, building trust, forgiving one another's faults, etc. Its not a perfect solution, nor a complete one, but it seems to be the best I've got for now. Edited: daishain on 12th Jun, 2017 - 3:20pm
Daishain, thanks for the bonus info about the mace. What is your advice on how that is best used? Obviously overall the +1 longsword is best to use most of the time with it's bump to hit chance and higher damage along with higher level smites. I'm thinking the mace could be used when Velon is out of spell slots (Or wants to preserve them) but does want that extra smite damage. The mace has to be the weapon wielded to take advantage of that, correct? I assume just having it on his person or wielding it in his off hand but striking with the sword would not trigger the ability?
Thanks for your thoughts!