Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 258 of 948

Aw heck, I was going to post about what DS - Page 258 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 12th Jun, 2017 - 6:17pm

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Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:10pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 258

That is correct, I would keep it on hand, and pull it out when fighting something that the extra smite could be used for.

Note that it requires attunement, which isn't an issue right now, but could become one further down the road.

For everyone, what are we doing? There was mention made of attempting to destroy the altar from range with spells, but I don't think anyone actually made the attempt.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:16pm

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Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:12pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

What I mean by my concern about 'old habits' is we can say, "Oh, Poljen and Fay have buried the hatchet and everything is hunky-dory," and then we have one disagreement and start snapping at each other again. I have been spending the last day or so trying to figure out a way to overcome, or at least sideline these concerns.

I have been writing (In my head mostly) a short story/long post, encompassing actions and words of all the characters (At least those I need to say/do something). In it, some points are made by Poljen, some others recognize said points, and some apologies are exchanged. But I am very leery of writing for other characters without permission. So I have been trying to figure out something else and not having much luck.

I would like permission to work on something and submit it to the group. Folks can offer their thoughts, or can veto it in its entirety. And anyone with similar concerns or issues can do the same. What does everyone think?

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:18pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Since Fay wasn't in the room for the conversation regarding destroying the altar, he is waiting for Lia's guidance… although I don't think she even realizes this. Hmm, maybe Ninja messed Fay's action up a bit. Oh well, Fay can't do much here anyway. His spell selection is all wrong and other are better suited to destroying it physically. Unless, what is the statue made of? If it is metal Fay may be able to heat it up… but can he heat it up enough to destroy it?

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:20pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Page 258 Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

I am not a magic expert, and don't know what everyone's various spells are. But we don't seem to have many direct damage spells among our group. Onwen seems the most likely to have spells that would do it. That is one of the reasons I am willing to have Poljen go start smashing it.

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:32pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

This isn't a huge help with that as it's mostly situational, but Velon will be picking up things like Fireball as he gains more sorcerer levels, and will likely swap an existing level 1 or 2 spell for chromatic orb or something at some point. This will mostly be for when a situation screams AoE or we cannot reach the target, but I wanted him to be versatile. He's a bit behind the magic curve when it comes to level 3 spells and slots because of my multi-class into tank and melee attributes. Most spells I do choose will be damage dealing at least.

My biggest mechanical problem with him right now is that most things take concentration. This was part of the build as he's strong on his CON saves to maintain them, but I couldn't cast Blur to help dodge the Stalker last time without taking away everyone's Bless, for example. May need to dump Shield of Faith or something that I haven't used yet for an offensive spell some time soon.

At least these choices are more fun to ponder than the stresses of real life! :).

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 5:40pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support

The statue is primarily stone, Onwen's Lightning Bolt wouldn't help much there.

In terms of magical destruction, your best bet would be Geoffroy's Fireballs actually.

Shatter would be perfect for this, but I don't think anyone has it.

P.S. I'd assume that the conversation was taking place near the entry, with people not wanting to advance until necessary. Fay should be able to hear.

In regards to Paulnelson's concerns, I understand, we need to find some way to hash things out, preferably without risk of letting the argument build again.

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Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 6:13pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support - Page 258

Oops, missed a couple of posts there. Let's say that Velon has also offered to firebolt it all day since it's a cantrip, if that helps.

PaulNelson, not sure if you have anything with Velon in mind but, since you asked, feel free to post including some Velon roleplay if you like. I'm sure you'll handle it well and you've got plenty to go on given Velon's recent words and general pro-Poljen attitude since joining the group. Perhaps Poljen is annoyed with him for taking out the kobolds or even not speaking up more though, I'm not sure.

Daishain, I'm guessing Divine Sense is just a bit off in this situation and doesn't yield much extra insight for Velon?

Abninja, Velon would be happy to help her speak to the older kobold about the babies, I was just trying to get one item on the checklist done at a time right now. He'd probably suggest that Fay speak to her in Draconic if possible. She just watched Velon dispatch her mates. He'd also agree with the idea of asking the woman to come along and care for the young ones.

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2017 - 6:17pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 258

Aw heck, I was going to post about what DS picked up and it slipped my mind.

Suffice it to say you pick up a presence of extraordinary evil, centered on the altar. It does not however tell you much beyond seeming to confirm what Lia told the group.

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