Yes Velon is trying to stay out of the view of the kobold, but still with the party generally speaking. Around the corner in the next room is good. He will not leave for other rooms/tasks unless the majority of the group, ideally including at least Lia if not Geoffroy, agree that he should. Sticking together for one task at a time seems the best way to avoid some of the recent frustrations within the Blaze.
Okay, I've edited my post on the main thread to try to get things moving. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm tired of these caves. I'm curious to see what happens when we have our time jump. (If we still do that).
Good call Kyrroeth. On a related note, I was going to ask Daishain, roughly what is the ratio of horses and wagons available to those needing to ride (Babies, badly injured prisoners, etc.)? Is there plenty of space, or is this an issue that needs to be addressed?
Perhaps we can fast forward a little bit of the logistics of moving the babies and getting everyone loaded up outside of the cave and focus on a) resolving the last two rooms, b) deciding what our main party will do next and c) if we send the army any instructions. So much to do! :)
Lastly, on the map, did we explore the small room at the end of the hallway past location 'D'? I forget what was there.
That small room past D is the torture room. Fay and Nyzahr poked their heads in there during the scouting mission, but it hasn't been touched since
You have enough wagon space for the infants and those unable to walk far in addition to the supplies you'll need for the journey back.
Try to tack the eggs onto that list however, and you've got a big problem. You'd need to triple the number of available wagons to include their transport.
Tallis is however already handling most of the details, and if you guys let them know of the need, more wagons can be brought from Greenest in a short time frame, escorted by the reinforcements from Baldur's Gate.
Overall, yes, you can assume we'll fast forward over such details. Edited: daishain on 14th Jun, 2017 - 2:32pm
Yes, they're all in the room where Velon is hanging out. If you take the time to count them there are *dice roll in the background* 319 intact eggs remaining.
Before you mess with them, it might be a good idea to ask the kobold what the glowing orb floating above the nest does. Its purpose doesn't seem to be defensive, as it didn't harm Cratol, but it seems rather elaborate to do nothing.
I'll be able to post after I finish something up in RL. Then I can have Geoffroy go with Lia to the other room and we can move things forward a bit.
I will be honest I'm strongly considering the idea that with what we are doing, we'll more than likely pissed off those in charge of Tiamat's forces. With over 300 eggs plus however many hatchlings and infants, coupled with how long they've probably been trying to put everything together for Tiamat's scheming and plotting it would be quite the blow.
This isn't even bringing up the consideration that there might be more caverns like this one, with other nurseries, but once we finish up these last couple of rooms we can definitely do a skip forward a bit. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Jun, 2017 - 3:10pm