She is casting Faerie Fire first, and then next round will attack with her hand crossbow. I hope that wasn't too confusing, in me doing such, though this will mean that Zarra has her actions for the next few rounds. Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Sep, 2017 - 4:33am
Sorry, decided to do what Velon was going to do before I read about the flaming sphere on the other side of the golem. I'll just absorb the damage and may heal myself next turn. (Sorry to Lia too!)
Velon would have done that to close the distance and flank the enemy. Not sure if he'd know about faerie fire and whether or not it stuck especially considering initiative order.
How we doing here? I'm getting worried about technical issues on top of the bad url updates we're getting. Haven't seen an update in 23+ hours (Which may just be waiting on someone, NBD) but also received an email at 10:30am EST (27 minutes ago) saying someone updated this page and yet I don't see an update. Hm….
Daishain and everyone, sorry about not posting earlier: I just figured that "Jack just stands there uselessly with no magic weapon while everybody else is engaging the enemy" was a bit of a lame post.
But it's basically what's happening.