Tazskan, you can assume you grabbed the studded leather, which would put your AC at 12.
As to spells, you can cast any spells that do not have a material component. Look for a line like this one in the spell description "Components: V, S, M", if the M is present, you must have either the listed material on hand, or a spell focus. If it is not, you need only have a voice and/or hand free.
Note, that does not only go for warlock spells. Few paladin spells have a material component, but for those that do, you need your divine symbol.
P.S. What did you roll Charisma for?
Edited: daishain on 15th Nov, 2017 - 2:00pm
Owl after owl after owl. I can't even think of a good pun for that, but the image it presents is totally Poppo, dealing out owls like cards from a deck *smile*. At least step out of the circle, before she uses it on you.
Edited: Gknightbc on 15th Nov, 2017 - 4:35pm
Indeed, it is quite amusing, especially with the baldur's gate reference.
Poppo hasn't entered the circle, everyone's been avoiding it. Damn me for rolling high on Lora's behalf for the perception check :P.
Edited: daishain on 15th Nov, 2017 - 5:29pm