Everyone please don't forget to update your character's current hit points. It helps to know how low everyone is on hitpoints. Lora is very low on spell slots and will have to be very selective. Don't expect her to be as good as healing as Lia. I'll save all of her remaining spell slots for healing. I have a feeling that it will be needed very soon.
So it appears I failed the first Reflex save and made the second, so what should I put as my HP loss?
If I survive, I can also help with healing as a Paladin, as with Velon.
Do we concentrate our efforts on Remzir, or her companion?
In regards to anronrosby's query just now. Sorry but no. Magic usually differentiates between iron and steel. Your weapon almost certainly would be the latter.
Also, there is no window Tazskan can reach to throw a body through (Both windows in Rezmir's room overlook a 40 foot drop). And just picking up one of these ogres would require a difficult to manage strength check, throwing it would be impossible, the buggers weigh in the vicinity of 600 pounds. Edited: daishain on 16th Nov, 2017 - 4:51am
Ok, so it appears I've entered the lions den, and the situation is possibly quite grim for the player characters. Myself included.
My character, will enter and stop to assess the situation, and Amabalis will be directly behind him.
Unless stated otherwise. They will not walk in blindly, any further into the room.
Because my character would not be privy, to any present conditions magc or otherwise. In the room. It would be prudent for the other remaining charcaters to inform him (Please).
I am limited, as it seems, and Velon would be fully aware of this. Being a Paladin himself, and rescuing me.
Fortunately, I'm aware of an interdimensional being, being there. Plus would suspect, but not have confirmed that Rezmir is there.
I can use my breath weapon, but would require a clear line of sight. But would not be able to use it again while in combat. Otherwise, can do divine smite, plus great sword melee attack. Velon, would know that, plus Lawrence has seen me use a greatsword. Velon would also be aware that, I was chasing an amulet?
Any ideas, would be appreciated within the realms of what is known of course!
. Edited: anronrosby on 16th Nov, 2017 - 12:20pm