I can not help you with that but he should have been close enough to here the others be warned of a magic circle in the room unless he was distracted with the Ogre. Meanwhile I am laying there stabilized but not going anywhere for a while.
Ok, once Daish informs me exactly what I can see, in the main thread I will act.
That includes if I have a clear line of sight on any bad guys?
As the windows were 40 ft high.? I would expect the ceiling to be a comparable height. I also need that info, in the main thread gauging by sight of course.
Just, before I post in main thread Can you confirm my initiative check modifiers please. Once that's done, it appears I have a few ranged attacks to do!
Pardon my butting in, but it sounds as if Arons thinks there is a window from the hallway into the room, and my impression is that any windows in the room look outside. Maybe I missed something and his character has moved to a point to see through outside windows… but when he talked about tossing a piece of an ogre through a window I was very confused.
You have a clear line of sight on both enemies from the front door of the room at present.
The windows mentioned are not 40' up compared to the floor you are on, they're a part of the front wall of the castle, and face the outside. There are no windows between the hallway and Rezmir's room.
For the record, the ceilings are a little over 20 feet high in here.
Unless you have something that adds to it, your initiative modifier is just your Dexterity modifier, so +0 in your case.