I figured it would stay level, but was hoping… I wanted to have us all against the pilot room door while an army amassed outside. We tip the castle up so we all lie safely against the door and they all fall across the outside room. We then level it out quickly, open the door, and fireball the pants off of NPC's that are literally piled on top of each other begging to be AoE'd *smile*.
I left myself out of what equipment everyone wants to take, and unless she is offered such or it is brought up Zarra won't go seek from the equipment herself at the moment. Her focus is more on other things, especially on them not making it out or having everyone die.
That, I really not sure what I want if I were to pick something. Edited: Thomaslee on 7th Dec, 2017 - 5:48pm
More she's just worried because of all that still needs to be done. Yes, they have defeated many powerful foes though there is still a dragon and vampire to worry about, even if they were to take care of all the other cultists by submerging the castle. Many have already come close to death and without those newcomers to save the day, as it were, many would have died quite possibly.
In many ways, the party's been lucky, and Zarra would know this. Either that or divine providence watching out for the party. Edited: Thomaslee on 7th Dec, 2017 - 5:55pm
Out of Character: : How will Velon and the others feel if Lora animates a corpse? I'm thinking about having her do that. Putting the evil doers in our service to battle evil. It would be a redemption of sorts. She is chaotic neutral and the end justifies the means to her.
Zarra won't complain, in part because she's not really in a position to justify doing such, though she may have a bit of a distaste for such magic personally. This possibly because she understands just how horrific such magic can be, especially in the wrong hands, and in seeing how others use such. Edited: Thomaslee on 7th Dec, 2017 - 6:20pm
Concerning raising a corpse, Ignazio would be intrigued more than repulsed. I think he would only start to object if the character started to act like a master of death. To him, death is one of the mysteries of life that makes life interesting.