I hear you. Yeah I was glad Poljen gave it options to open a discussion, not that any of them were ‘be our friend’. I’m curious to see what it does! Yeah the alignment and color of the dragon and it’s relationship to Tiamat make any negotiation here especially tough, as you say.
I’ll admit part of me is happy to just speed things along and get to the dragon dialogue at least. The past week or two have been fun but there has been a lot of ‘homework’ to ensure Velon reacts to everyone and everything as needed with regard to rest, guarding the control room, tactics, etc. Having the party so beat down made every move much riskier. I’m glad to be back at (Almost) full strength and with a clear mission and little debate now. The Dungeon Master certainly helped move things along with a swift disposal of the vampire and sweep of the castle! :).
Checks the Stealth roll… What?
How can I roll a natural 1 twice, one right after the other? What are the odds of having two fumbles or automatic failures? I mean how would one even explain this, Zarra is supposed to be good at stealth and it has a huge advantage to her roll. Sighs.
Okay, time to be briefly pedantic, and mathematic. Two 1's in a row… the odds are 1-in-400. Think about how many dice get rolled in this game. I bet if we go back we will find several other instances of the same number rolled twice in a row, but we did not see it because they weren't fumbles, or each roll had a different modifier. This time it just stands out because they are both fumbles. Bad luck, which is part of the game.
Gknight, you really need to stop thinking in old school rules. Breath weapons in this edition basically recharge on a d6 roll of 5 or 6 (Usually). So it is possible if it uses its breath weapon it could use it again the next round! Even more exciting, eh?