D, I have updated my HP by reducing 16, as half of the 33 due to the resistance cast upon Poljen. Please just use the set of rolls previously done for his attacks on the dragon, since he is over the Fear now. If you need any further saves or AoO rolls for the next round, do not hesitate to let me know.
Come on, team! We can do this!
Anron, to be clear, you're using your reaction on hellish rebuke, not using your action at all, and then retreating to go prone in a space that the dragon just spewed his breath all over?
I'm… uncertain that that's the best use of your turn under the circumstances.
Anron, if you don't use your action to at least Disengage, the dragon gets a free Attack of Opportunity. Its breath weapon needs to recharge. It might do so this turn, it might not. Not attacking at all does not sound smart to me. If you use your action to Disengage, do you at least have a bonus action spell that can either cause damage to the dragon or maybe heal someone else?
Anron, if your paladin Dragonborn runs from this combat and gets on the ground he will never hear the end of it from Lora. It certainly doesn't seem very paladinesque. Getting on the ground does nothing for you. The only ranged weapon the dragon has is his breath weapon. Being prone will possibly cause you to have disadvantage to dodge the next frost breath.
Cratol looks to have a few more good hits on this dragon. He is doing some good damage. Hopefully Poljen gets in there too and we can take this beast down. Hopefully before it can do another breath attack. I just hope that he can avoid getting hit too much more :) Anyone want to send more healing my way?