Yeah, your right eldritch blast will be Tazskan's primary choice of weapon. But in the event, of being in melee, a dagger or mace could be used as a last resort.
The background story, will be modified, to have no Paladin oath encounter. Fortunately, Tazskan can retain ties to the Bahumat religious affliation. As Bahumat, is popular among Dragornborn.
Although, I think Sune has shown herself to be a worthwhile investment also, partiicular for adventurers like us.
I will wait for you to formally, announce the upgrade to level 9 for everyone. Before making some changes to character sheet.
The instant fortress could be used to keep a door closed and we block them in a room that way. The castle was built for Giants so there should be plenty of places where it would fit. Keeping them both bound and gagged at all times should keep them from casting. When we feed them and question them we should take some precautions of some sort.
Daishain I have a question about the instant fortress. How much could it be customized for comfort? Could it be painted, or tapestries placed on the walls to cut down on drafts? Could furniture be left in there for comfort? I don't plan on having it make a mechanical deference, but I want to avoid a slippery slope situation where I abuse it. I know how I can get carried away.
Speaking of getting carried away. Would it be reasonable to have taken the mules with there carts and supplies? If not Nikolaos would have released the animals so they didn't starve in that room.
I was thinking a handy Charm spell and Zone of Truth during questioning. That'll stop them from faking Charming and also being aggressive or trying to escape. Having them bound while inside of the Silence spell radius might be an option, if we bury the silence stone in the floor where they can't reach it. 1/2" of stone or less, if that works, or shaped to allow a teeny bit of the Stone to be exposed if required. We could also stone shape them into the floor, head exposed. :D. If someone has crafting ability (Artisan tools), we could stone shape a prison that doesn't allow for movement, yet allows us to pop the top and get them out for bathroom breaks, etc. Edited: Gknightbc on 9th Apr, 2018 - 3:21pm
I will leave the mechanics of securing the prisoners up to the others. If they need Poljen to lug them around or something, he will cooperate. Level 9 for Barbarians is not that spectacular. Aside from the Hit Points roll (See below), and the small boost in Proficiency Bonus, he now does a bit of extra damage with critical hits. And even if I keep up the crazy luck in combat, there will be encounters whereby it does not come into play.
Daishain, when we arrive back at the city, Poljen will want to look into moving his Electricity Stone from the +1 Longsword into a +2 Scimitar. If you want to play it out, that is okay by me. If you want to simply say it gets done and quote me costs, both with and without trading in the magic longsword, that is also fine. I guess I should ask the group if anyone wants the longsword once the stone is removed… all his, of course, being contingent on the being transferable. But I seem to recall it being done previously…
Oh, and we should have plenty of room for the cart and mules. We have a keep with a courtyard and barn after all!
Rolling for HP... I really hope it doesn't give me minimum like last time! Edited: PaulNelson on 9th Apr, 2018 - 3:42pm
Lawrance will take the base 4 plus CON on HP, and we'll see what new spells he gets once Dai's done some ruling on the shopping in the city. Who'd like to do some bargaining to buy stuff in the market and wizard's quarter? We need someone with the appropriate skill. With a bonus from Lawrance's History skill, guidance and maybe Bardic Inspiration we should be formidable shopping fiends. :D.
Treasure tallied so far:
0 x +2 Scimitars, minus one to PolJen, so add +1 Longsword, minus one to Perry
Necklace of flight-ish
Arrow of Injection
Ring of Free Action
Mask of Invisibility
Cloak of all-seeing
Cloak of Disguise
Rod of Bloodmagic
25K in coin, plus 16K in rubies.
Perry should get his share of the Ruby sale, too, but good Persuasion rolls might increase the sale price. Edited: Gknightbc on 9th Apr, 2018 - 4:22pm
Perry will go shopping for sure and definitely wants to help with bargaining! He loves that stuff. He would also like to sell the rubies while we are there and maybe try to buy some armor and things with his share of the gold.
I'll also take the second scimitar. The cloak seems like a very "Perry" item but I already have the Hat of Disguise so it would feel very redundant. The rest of the items I feel would work better for other players. We do have 10 players, right? I marked down 2500 gold on my sheet.
Also, regarding interrogation, given enough time Perry in theory can get all the information we want out of the targets. We need to rest/shop and whatnot for 4 days in game anyway. The other option is handing Varram and his dude over to the good guys and let them do the interrogating and figure out what to do with him. Edited: seath on 9th Apr, 2018 - 4:23pm
Yes, you have plenty of space to take on the cultist's supply carts and mules.
The fortress can be customized however you like in regards to aesthetics/comfort, bearing in mind space limitations, and no living things inside (So no personal chef waiting when you open the thing :P) For anything more… directly practical, ask.
The electricity stone can be taken off and reapplied with an hour's work on Poljen's part, no cost. It works a lot like attunement in that sense.
The silence stone must be in physical contact with a living being to work.
As to stone shaping a body fitting prison, it could be done, but you need to be careful, they'd slowly suffocate if it is skin tight.