Okay. But there was that post in this thread a couple pages back where you said you were casting before his turn, which is why I got confused. I think we're good now.
Daisahin, if you need it, here is the second roll for the damage. Now folks, I am going to bed. I have to get up and get the boys to school in the morning…
Hmm, I guess that I will continue attacking. I will have hgeoffroy bring the fire power, literally and figuratively, trusting and hoping that Lia might be able to keep Poljen alive.
Maybe Shield of Faith might help?
Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Feb, 2017 - 1:10pm
I thought of that this morning while walking my dog. So yes, Daishain, Poljen will in fact use the Inspiration to add to his CON roll against the fire. Since he only missed by one, I won't bother actually rolling it. Even a 1 bumps his roll up to a 14. Thank you all!
I just got back from my swim, and for decades now I have had some of my best ideas while swimming laps. I guess because aside from counting laps my mind runs wild and free, making odd connections, etc. Anyway, I had this sudden hilarious idea… if early this round someone manages to drop the lizard, and with Poljen's critical on Cyanwrath, a few others target the half-dragon, wouldn't it be amazing if he dropped? Because then Poljen would not attack next round. He would grab the unconscious enemy commander and heave him up and over the wall! We don't want the bad guys reviving him, do we? ;).