Bah, the one-tracked minded wizard could have just waited a minute to summon the elemental, but oh well. I guess the mind link is off the table for a while now. At least he didn't start having huts and steeds pop up for no reason. I think Velon would have had a seizure or something! ;)
So basically I'm getting the impression that there's no point in trying to have a plan at all, we just have to walk in and roll for detecting traps and such and see what happens. She's watching, the prince can bury us alive any time he wants, and she likely isn't going to leave (Pending results of current taunting with the bird). Awesome.
Oh yeah, I'll admit, I did not know that Concentration rule. Point goes to the wizard!
Edited: Cinder on 5th Jul, 2018 - 5:01pm
Good to know, just looked it up myself. I suppose we don't necessarily need it either but if we could get Poppo to do it then that would be cool. It does feel a little cheesy having extra previous-player NPCs around all the time to assist with these types of things though.
Yeah, whatever, (Laugh). I'm tired of complicated planning. Let's just go in the water side, irrigation or not depending on what Dai allows. Then detect magic, traps, and do perception rolls. Anyone got a 10 ft pole, some hempen rope, and a bunch oil flasks? We're going back to the basics here ladies and gentlemen.
Edited: seath on 5th Jul, 2018 - 5:30pm
I took the time to look in my Monster Manual. It does not say that an earth elemental has any particular digging ability. I mean, sure, it's strong and can go for as long as it's summoned I guess. But I would guess Daishain can answer that question.
Because it can slide through earth and soil, it should have some ability to shift it as well, much the same way an air elemental can cause whirlwinds. The speed it can operate is what Dai needs to decide, but there should be some significant earth moving talent over a guy with a shovel. If Dai also rules that the Elemental has been dispelled, you'll get your Telepathic Bond and Water Breathing in 20 minutes *smile*.