Not sure you're going to get results before you have to post your turn. You have to guess as to what will be happening on your turn. Thats what drives me nuts about Play By Post initiative issues. Daishain did say, however, that if the Prince and dragon are revealed he may adjust the initiative so that his enemy actions come up to end a round and that we don't have to guess any more. Happy to wait a partial round without action from Velon if it gets reordered, assuming he's after the bad guys.
My next character is going to be all Dexterity with the Alert feat and a magic item that gives Advantage on Initiative for the sole purpose of avoiding this issue since it drives me absolutely bonkers *smile* "I guess I'll just hit something since I don't know the state or location of anything, anyway… "Heck, even Velon is due to roll a 19 one of these fights, if that's even possible here…
I'll be posting tonight, giving Morgaine just a bit longer to post.
We'll see how things go.
And no, I didn't forget about the displacement cloak, its actually the only reason Lia didn't get hit twice.
Oh, and speaking of initiative issues, this next round is getting cut a bit short, Zarra, Velon, and Lawrance's turn won't be parsed this time around, but they'll be going first next time. Following my next main post, the modified initiative order will be: Zarra, Velon, Lawrance, Lia, Perry, Mari, Neronvain, Tazskan, Morgaine, Golem, Trolls, Poljen, Chuth.
Plan accordingly.
Edited: daishain on 18th Jul, 2018 - 10:30pm
Awesome, love it!
Does Taz's roll dispel the Prince's next 5 spells? Nice roll!
Glad to hear confirmation on the cloak since Play By Post is hard in those areas too and we ask the Dungeon Master to keep track of a lot of stuff without all being at a table to remind him of our character specific stuff.
For the moment at least, Morgaine is separated from the prince by the barrier from Lia's cube of force. She can't get to him until that changes, though she could shoot/throw something through the barrier.
Edited: daishain on 19th Jul, 2018 - 2:55am
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, especially if the Trolls go boom. The Cube could be a trap, for him, since without attunement he can't turn it off or change the location centered on her body. He'll have to burn another spell to get out. Very interesting to see what goes on. I sure hope they've burnt most of their spells setting this all up, FFS! :D.
Unless someone can see an issue with doing such, I believe for now I will stick with my current actions. Especially since Zarra is nowhere near Lia and I don't believe she has any healing potions… and I really want her to do a bit of backstabbing towards a certain dragoness.
Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Jul, 2018 - 4:39am