Oh man, Perry's turn is going to be quite interesting. So many options here, but it really depends on what the Lia, Velon, cube, and troll situation looks like. The outcome of Lawrance's Fireball could potentially change his whole turn as well. I'm going to wait until after Lia and Velon post before I make mine. Velon's turn is predictable, but what Lia follows up with could greatly alter my turn.
Ideally I help Poljen this turn due to his predicament, but we'll see what the others do. In the meantime, a few questions for the Dungeon Master,
1. This room is large enough to allow a huge dragon to move around in comfortably, correct?
2. Where are the children in proximity to Poljen right now? Have they moved away from Chuth/Poljen towards the right side of the scaffold?
3. Since Lawrance is ahead of me and has locked-in this Fireball, would I be able to see the outcome of that before my turn? I don't need the full details but all I want to know is whether this is a disastrous "All the trolls immediately explode and everyone around takes 100d6 fire damage" scenario. Or if it's just a normal "Some trolls and a pretty boy got Fireballed" scenario.
Intelligent enemies here. Healer already down and main tank getting close. This is the closest to death that Lia has come so far. After the detonation she will be at best one failed death saving throw from death. That is if the possible massive explosion doesn't kill her along with the enemies. My characters in both games on this site went down the same day. That doesn't happen often. :(No easy choices here.
This has the potential for a TPK. If Poljen drops and there isn't much healing available it might turn ugly against the dragon and prince.... Edited: Kyrroeth on 19th Jul, 2018 - 1:24pm
I think that if a troll does detonate, and Lia catches some of the blast, I think that is only the equivalent of one failed death saving throw. If the prince intentionally struck her prone form, THAT would be worth two. And I am wondering if Velon can misty step his way inside and have a little personal one-on-one with the prince. Honestly, depending on how big the troll blasts are, that might push her to the negative HP range of death.
Rules questions: Let's assume a troll blows up and does 6d6 damage. There are 4 trolls. Does Lia suffer 4 explosions, thus taking 4 automatic failed death saves? Or does it function as just one big blast? On one hand, 4 failed saves is obviously dead. One failed is not too bad. But if it is ruled that way, does she also have to withstand 24d6 of damage to see if it drives her to negative 58 HP?
Well we still have a chance to win here. Perry can potentially save Poljen. This Fireball and troll situation is dangerous though. Velon is almost certainly misty stepping in and lay on hands'ing Lia. Then, the fireball goes off. The outcome of that is what I'm concerned about, as it greatly alters the chances of us winning here. Lia's turn happens post-fireball, if she's alive.
My ideal turn here is helping Poljen, but if things go really south with this other situation then I'm going to have to reevaluate.
Wasn't Lawrence, supposed to also cast a ward, over Lia effectively protecting her from the exploding Troll's? Before he cast the dangerous fireball at Neronvain?
If the ward offers protection, for Lia then for how long will it last? If Nerovain stays put, and the ward does its job on Lia, then Neronvain becomes fair game, for more fireballs?
Do we know the blast radius, of the fireballs? One thing for sure, Neonvain cannot get hold of the cube, anyhow he has to atune himself to it. Neither do we want him to get hold of a teleportation scroll either! Edited: anronrosby on 19th Jul, 2018 - 2:15pm
This all depend a on how mean Dai wants to be. The idea that you can pack an explosive in Dungeons & Dragons that has more than a 5' radius would be a bit much. I expect the troll thing was more of a 'gotcha' for anyone nearby, not a demolition charge. Funny how they are able to control the trolls, too. If each troll was 4or 6 d6 explosion it would be worse than any spell in the game for potential damage.
Alright… you all have wanted to do this Giant Ape thing for so long it would be churlish for me to deny you all. Honestly, to me it would make more sense to make someone smaller and weaker into the GIant Ape, but whatever.
Daishain, I have stats in the Monster Manual. Should I use those? Also, does Poljen get to keep Rage and its effects, such as Reckless Attacks, extra damage, etc? If the situation were slightly different, I would have the Giant Ape lift the tree back up to save the kids until they are cut loose… but he will pound the dragoness, no matter what form she is in.
Yes to using the MM stats.
As to keeping Rage, yes, along with other class granted abilities other than unarmored defense.
Bear in mind though that all gear is absorbed and nonfunctional. You won't get the bonus to saves from your cloak for instance.