Just as I suspected Paul *wink* Poor Lia.
Well Daishain, ignore my last post. It was one of those posts that was started before yours was visible and is now of no use. I can't do much with it until Cratol responds and I have something more to work with. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Mar, 2017 - 10:07pm
With only a quick once over of the two rooms, anything seem noteworthy? Any immediately visible objects of interest in the apparent alchemy lab or any book/parchment on the table(S) in the library? Anything directly in front of or perhaps in the hands of the skeleton?
Based on a quick onceover…
There's what looks like an intact chest in the lab, you'll have to get quite close to the rats' nest to check it out though.
Unfortunately, every book you can see in the library has been ruined, stripped of paper by the vermin in the other room. If you dig around, you might find something that escaped the destruction. The skeleton seems be wearing a wedding band on a bony finger.