Mother of exonerated Barnes blasts Townsend in sheriff’s race
Original Post Date: 14th Oct, 2010 - 1:23am
I think those who do not agree with the behavior of the mother should think it twice. I believe anyone would confront those who have caused any of our loved ones to be wrongfully sent to prison.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 9 0.9%
Sounds like this was a railroaded case just to get a conviction and send someone to jail not matter the truth of the case. To know that a proper investigation may not have been done and the correct person may now be free to do this again is wrong. I hope that people look into this case and are able to some how find the truth and see that real justice is served.
The following is an unverified submission of what allegedly took place:
Name: EX Friend Olive Boy
Title: Kim Simon Murder
Comments: Response to KNtoran. The person who picked up Kim off Mohawk st looked like Steve Barns and had a similar pickup truck. Kim was murdered by Paris Hill Killer AKA Olive Boy. Four people, and one was the killer. Two who left DNA from physical contact, one driver and the killer Olive Boy. Driver, (Willian) picked up Kim, drove to manors in NH, picked up Olive Boy and went to parties, must have picked up two other males and went to water tower. Olive boy kills kim then they dump body near Mohawk River. Next morning Olive Boy gets a friend to drive him down Clinton Street in NYM where he begins to empty her purse along the road, after turning around at the light on Commercial Dr he tosses her shoe into the little creek at risley springs water. They then head to Mohawk ST in whitesboro where the truck is stuck near the bridge (Barge canal) friend refuse to help get truck unstuck because he just picked up brand new S-10. Willian and two other males who were trying to hide in front of the stuck truck became upset and told the S-10 to leave. There's a lot more to the story such as police telling Olives Boy ex friend to watch what he said because his family was politically connected to DA and several other high figure people when interviewed. No one wants to know truth and believe police botched investigation allowing males who left DNA to pass away and not arresting them as soon as they knew. Any questions, just ask and I'll try and respond.
Name: Gettingjustice
Title: Olive Boy Friend
Comments: My question is for friend of Olive Boy. Was wondering if he was able to be contacted? Would like to hear more.