Yes we are currently a country divided as well as the members of our representatives are very divided. I do not see them or anyone else trying to work together to find middle ground. It is all 'my way or the highway' mentality that is not helping anyone.
Yes you are correct but I have a feeling that the only way it is going to change is if the people vote them all out of office and start afresh. There is a way for the people to vote and set in place rules of law that they government can do nothing about. If the congress does not start to change maybe the people will force that change.
Yeah, you are probably correct. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening since most people seem to content with what they have and blame it all on the other guys and gals in office. In truth, it's all of em and it's us too. We need to start worrying about what's good for the country as well as what's good for us in our little worlds. We also need to start realizing the people who have differing views aren't evil and we need to stop the divisive rhetoric and name calling.
Yeah, I got you. I've been around for a while and I can't ever remember a time when we have been so dysfunctional. Our Government is broken and we need to fix it. I'm afraid our society is broke and that's why our Government is broke… because it mirrors society.