Le Pen meets Putin, shows 'French desire for détente with Russia'
Meeting Vladimir Putin is a gamble to attract voters outside her core support who want better relations with Russia, says political author Diana Johnstone. Ref. Source 9f.
Image from Wikimedia public domain.
Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen concedes defeat in French presidential election, calls Emmanuel Macron to congratulate him Ref. USAToday.
Agreed, she is way too far right. I know both the right and left have their good ideas and ideas I don't agree with. It doesn't mean they are bad ideas, I just don't agree with them. But the far right and far left, they scare me. This lady is on the far end. The guy who beat her is a centrist… imagine that, someone willing to compromise wins.
The interesting part is the fact that she isn't on the right. As far as Europe goes she is considered on the right but she is well to the left of the Democratic Party here. She supports 75% taxes on incomes over 100k euros and wanted to nationalize some industries. This election was a Marxist versus a Socialist basically. No one in politics in Europe would be considered on the right in the US. Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th May, 2017 - 7:03pm
Good point. By right I meant in Europe, although I didn't know about the tax thing. Remember, they said Hitler was far right. His party was the Nazi party AKA the National Socialist German Workers' Party. So I guess I mean far right like a fascist, not like here. Although we have some far right nuts here, they don't really understand what they are advocating for. But you definitely have the right of it here.