Susan, you are short changing your self on the attacks. You are rolling for two attacks but you get two rolls for each attack due to Poljen's reckless attacks.
That last round might seal it pretty much. Poljen did 50 points of damage basically. Wow. Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th May, 2018 - 4:59pm
Out of Character: I didn't think he was Reckless in his attacks. If he is, doing the extra attack and damage rolls, if not please take rnds 1,2 at her rolls and then the next time rnds 3,4
Morgaine will once again feel in pain of the hit to her thigh, she shakes herself briefly and readies herself for another attack. Once she sees an opportunity to strike, she does so.
Perry mirrors Velon and drops another 5 gold into the pot. During this entire event, Perry has just been continuing to eat one pastry after another. He's not eating them especially rapidly, he just keeps going methodically and without stopping.
Sitting near Velon, Perry will occasionally ask him stupid questions with extremely obvious answers such as, "This is what the non-magic users do in fights, huh? How do they just stand there and take those hits repeatedly in the face like that? Is it okay to get blood all over the courtyard like this?"
Out of Character: : Susan, the easiest way to to this is I will assume you are rolling twice per attack, and as with all rounds save the first, which was prior to him going Reckless, both of your strikes have hit. I don't see why you would roll damage twice, so I am going to accept the higher damage totals, of 15 and 14, which both reduce to 7. So he takes another 14 this round. Now on the unlikely chance Poljen lands a critical hit on Morgaine, you will have to add an additional 13 points of damage. If you land a critical on Poljen, he will take an additional 5 points. That's Daishain's house rule for crits: You get an extra average of the damage die added. Poljen as a barbarian at this level gets 2, hence the 13, rather than 7.
In Character: :
Once more the dark-haired warrior woman hits the tall man twice, both times severely. But both times he seems to shrug off much of the damage. His smile is almost feral as he attempts to return the favor…
Morgaine upon receiving the blow to her arm almost taking it off, she drops her long sword and falls to the ground of the courtyard bleeding out..
Seeing Morgaine fall from a flurry of viscious blows, Lia alights beside her. Holding her holy amulet aloft, it glows brightly and a surge of healing awakens the dark haired warrior." Well done, Morgaine. You put up a great fight."
Out of Character: : She used her channel divinity for preserve life. Morgaine receives 45 hitpoints of healing. Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st May, 2018 - 12:05am
Morgaine feels an energy surge through her and her body beginning to mend. She is breathing but she is not awake. She is unable to move in any way as the healing takes place. After several hours she opens her eyes.She does not quite know where she is and is still unable to speak.