Michael Guider - Pedophile

Michael Guider Pedophile - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 4th Apr, 2017 - 5:39pm

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Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 4:34am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Michael Guider - Pedophile

'He'd get us to touch each other'

A NOTORIOUS paedophile and killer will soon be eligible for parole. One of his victims is desperate to keep him locked up. Ref. Source 8r.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 12:45pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Pedophile Guider Michael

I don't know Australian laws but I assume they are somewhat similar to ours here. So, I have to ask why would society ever let a monster like out of prison? We do the same thing here and I fundamentally disagree. These people do the ultimate acts of evil to children, affecting their lives for decades. The horrid they had to go through. If someone were ever to do this to one of my children and I got them before the law…

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 2:15pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Michael Guider - Pedophile History & Civil Business Politics

As many cases people who have served their time need to be released. Keeping them longer for no good reason is not right no matter what they did. That being said there is a special place in hell waiting for this guy. I am sure that no matter where he goes to live people are going to be watching him closely. I would be surprised if he is able to live a quiet life.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 2:55pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Pedophile Guider Michael


But according to the article this guy hasn't served his time, his full sentence. They are talking about patrolling him. Why would they even think about paroling a monster like this guy? Make him serve every minute of his sentence.

Attached Image Edited: Abnninja on 4th Apr, 2017 - 2:56pm

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 3:18pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Pedophile Guider Michael

With the over crowding in the prison system all over the world they will more than likely release those prisoners who are not violent and setting a good example in the prison life. IF they view they are no longer a danger to themselves or others they usually parole them early. This is not saying that they will not reoffend once they are out but this legal system is far from perfect.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 3:57pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Michael Guider - Pedophile

Yeah, but this guy is as violent as they come. A sexual predator of five and six year olds and killed one on top of it. Lock him up and lose the key.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 5:22pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Michael Guider Pedophile

Possible that he may have changed when he was locked up? Maybe he has reformed and will not reoffend. Either way he probably will be released and then we shall see. If not then maybe some one else will get to him before the police do.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Michael Guider - Pedophile
A Friend

Michael Guider Pedophile Politics Business Civil & History

I don't know if someone like this can change. But even if he did, the horrific crimes he committed should mandate he serve out his full sentence with no chance of parole. When he gets out at 105 years old I don't think it'll matter if he changed or not and society will be the safer for it. But I'm a reall hard case when it comes to sexual predators and rapists. What they steal from their victims they should have to give back in time served.

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