I feel at home like never before. Not only that but visions are running through my mind. I'm supposed to go onto a plateau and find a spring fed lake. I grin and take off quickly. Walking here is easy after being acclimated to higher altitudes in Colorado. Even though I should be fearful to do this in an unknown world, I feel no fear.
I enjoy the sights of nature as I ascend the plateau. At last I see the lake. It has beauty unlike anything I have ever seen on earth. Truly pristine wilderness. I now walk around looking for the underwater cave. I will study it before I jump in the water.
Once Rachel passes through the tight ring of trees around the lake she feels like she is at home. Everything about this place feels at home to you. You feel a sense of removing all your clothes before jumping into the water and swimming down to and inside the cave.
Out of Character: Didn't anyone ever say do not go into the light
In Game: You step into the light and you feel peacefulness take over your being. You see a scene play out in front of your eyes. The forest is alive and full of creatures they are all moving along naturally. You see them walking besides each other the deer, the wolf, the tiger the dragon and the moose. None are harmed unless they are needed for food. Then the scene changes and you see man come in and destroy parts of the forest, chase off or kill the animals and turn the land into a city and farm land. You see nature try to take back some of the land but the humans just do not give way and fights the forest and nature with all they have. The scene ends and you find you have tears running down your cheeks. The fight that nature is waring with man shows that it is losing and the beasts are being slaughtered for sport and not for food. Nature asks you to help in the war against man and to see that nature is preserved. As you step out of the light you feel more wise +2 to wisdom and you feel more confident +1 to charisma. You also see by your feet a composite long bow with a quiver of arrows. Beside the quiver is a gem that looks like a ruby. It is good sized too. 250 gp value. You now feel that what you needed to do is done and you can head back towards the stronghold. You do not need to think of where it is you just know which direction it lays and the best route to get there. The light leaves the glade as does the ring of stone and mushrooms.
Finishing with lunch I say, "If you will excuse me sir, I would like to go attempt to find my friends. Besides, there's… something out there."
Making an exit, I'll head out of the castle, asking the guard which way Rachel and Dennis were last seen going.
If in different directions, I will try Dennis' path first. He said he'd be leaving a deliberate trail, and can probably do better than I tracking down Rachel if necessary. BSA training only goes so far.
He is told they both went different directions. Dennis went striaght to the closest part of the woods as Rachel went to the right side and in. When you get to the woods you see a path that is clearly marked. You start to follow it then it suddenly ends. You do not even see any foot prints in the soil. Then you feel it. A pulling from the left. It is calling to you stronger than before. You can feel that it is withing five miles and it wants you to find it.