You all are able to make it out of the caves and meet up with Allen. The children are all milling about relaxing and feeling much better being outside once again. Some are gathering nuts and berries to munch on from the surrounding area.
I relax and smile a bit to see everyone made it out all right. "Right, the job's not quite done, but I don't think it prudent to continue without rest. I doubt they have many of their number left, but we cannot be certain."
"I suggest we camp down for the night somewhere out here. We can build a fire near the entrance to the cave and keep a watch. That way any stragglers remaining within can't leave it without us seeing. What do you guys think?"
I smile at Jason, "Yes, I agree with you."
Later, after I hear the whole story of what transpired while Thomas and I went after the child I call everyone closer then. "There is one thing I need to discuss with you all. Splitting up was a mistake. It worked. We got lucky. It could have led to all of our deaths. All of us. I'm not in charge here, no one is. This isn't the Army and I know that. But I was in the Army and I can tell you we never would have made that decision. Yes, we do split team OPS sometimes, but that is well thought out and planned to the letter, never do we do it on the fly."
I shake my head a bit and continue in a hard voice, the command voice I learned in the Army, "Sometimes hard decision need to be made. That one child getting pulled away could have led to us all dying… and then all the children would have died anyway. Rachel nearly died, if they had just a few more come in the rom they would have overwhelmed you Jason. Sometimes you have pick the best between two bad options. I will always counsel against what we did. We should never do that again. There'll be no running off pell mell on your own, no matter how bad you feel about what's happening. There shouldn't even be talk of it."
I smile a sad smile and soften my tone, "This is a brutal world, as well as a beautiful world. We have seen that now. Brutal worlds have no sympathy for mistakes. I've seen what mistakes can bring in brutal environments. Let us not make the same mistake again. We shouldn't count on our luck always holding true… we need to use our wits. I know this is hard, but I would have counseled either taking the children with us or taking who we could to safety and then going on a search for the other one… and probably the latter course."
Then I sit and start to build a fire with a bow, a piece of wood, and some kindling. "I'll say this again, I'm not in charge here. If you disagree please say so. I counsel I don't command. If the majority says we'll do it exactly the same way given similar circumstances in the future then I'll be there to watch your backs and fight till I can't fight any more. But it'll be against my better judgement."
I am quiet for a time, then say, "I think… I think you should be in charge Dennis. At least when it comes to snap decisions of that nature. I pushed for this, asked you guys to chase down the missing child. Then I compounded the error by trying to get the other children out as fast as possible, rather than protecting ourselves from the ambush I suspected was coming. I am bitterly sorry for what you went through Rachel, that mess in there was my fault."
"The thing is, even knowing that, I don't know if I could make a different choice. Laying the options out now that the danger is over is one thing, but in the heat of the moment, watching that child be dragged off? I guess what I'm trying to say is when the stakes are that high, listen to this man's decision over mine." Edited: daishain on 9th Aug, 2017 - 7:43pm
I look back and forth between the three of them. Hearing Jason speak at the end I glare. " Sorry… sorry… You are sorry? I didn't have a pleasant time. They beat the hell out of me. Today wasn't the best day of my life. We shouldn't leave our own behind. We don't even know how real this world is. This could be some kind of simulation. The one thing we know is real is the five of us. First, you had me send our protection away and then you abandoned me. Now you are saying that you would do the same thing again. To hell with that. . I know I can't count on you. " I clench my jaw as I'm speaking. Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Aug, 2017 - 9:57pm
I sit quietly and listen to Rachel. I've seen this before. "She's suffering from a form of shock. I need to watch for PTSD" I think to myself. I look at her and say, "This will never happen again. You have my word." Then I prepare myself for the tirade that may follow but I know she needs to let it all out. And if I am to be the leader it's upon me to take the brunt of it. I expect the shakes to start soon.
The bruises and swelling on her face hurt me… make me angry. It's always that way with friends. I look at her, "I don't know if this helps or not Rachel, but I intend on seeing every goblin in there dead. And that they hurt you I... " I stop there. I don't know what else to say. But I stand there looking at her, waiting for her response and praying silently that this helps her. Edited: Abnninja on 10th Aug, 2017 - 12:03am
"That's not… I didn't… " I shut my mouth and look down.
I want to tell her I did the best I could, that if I'd gone rushing blindly after her, at best I'd have been uselessly wandering through those tunnels, with the more likely outcome being my useless death.
But the words sound hollow to me, as no doubt they would to her. No, I deserve this.
Looking to Rachel, I say, "I agree, you have more then fair reason to be upset. No manner of apologizes or words of "I'm sorry" can make up for how you were captured and placed into such danger with the fear you must have felt." I consider the situation and what was being said.
Continuing, looking to Dennis, I say to his words, "I agree, splitting up is generally not advisable, as there is always risk in doing so. Though I stand by having each of you go after Rachel while I take care of the children." That, I feel was the one correct decision made, especially since things work out in the end.
Looking to Rachel, I offer, "Yet in consideration of how things played out, who of us here have been placed in a situation where we find children who have been abused, mutilated, and killed with one then being carried of." I pause, feeling frustration in how to explain or expression my emotions while showing I did understand and hopefully showed to empathize with those most affected.
I finish with these works, opening myself to how I think or feel on the subject, "At least for me, it brought strong reaction that I couldn't resist, that while it was foolish to go after a single child and risk the rest of the party I couldn't see myself acting any other way." Harm, abuse, or danger to a child is something that effected fiercely.
I again turn my gaze to Rachel as I say, "If I would have known that you would have been captured though, my way of handling things would have changed. Yet I didn't, thinking we could catch the goblin before he got far and I was upset enough that I wanted it to suffer." The thought that there was other goblins hidden was something I didn't know or consider.
Out of Character: : I am in agreement in what is being said of Dennis and Rachel, yet know also that how I reacted is true to what I would probably do. This was a particular situation which brought strong reaction and emotion, more so considering if it was real. Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Aug, 2017 - 1:42am