"Hey guys, there are tunnels under here. I see three of them. They all go in a general northerly direction, one goes about straight north and the other two go east and west of true north. I think it's time we get Jason and hoof it back here. My spidey sense is tingling."
Out of Character: Yes, I am a huge Spider-Man fan. Spidey and Wolverine are my two faves.
I raise an eyebrow as Dennis references Spiderman, before chuckling, "As long as you agree the comic One More Day should have never happened, we're good when it comes to Spiderman." I'm not sure if he has any idea what I'm talking about.
Continuing, I will say, "Yes, let hurry back not only to check on Jason but to tell Lord Douglas of what has happened. I'm sure he'd like to know." I was actually quite concerned, I part because of the question of who or what created the tunnels. I had the bad feeling it was going to be something very large and likely difficult to deal with. Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Sep, 2017 - 5:45pm
As you tell the Lord of what has happened he sends a squad of soldiers down to secure the area and make sure nothing tries to come out of this new hole and attack the stronghold. He will ask you to prepare for the rest of today and get a good rest before you attempt to climb down and see where the tunnels lead.
I look at Rachel, "Are they too small for Ghost? That would be an issue. He has become an integral part of our team. We'll have to figure out how to compensate for his loss. Not to mention, I've grown quite fond of him, even if he doesn't even know I exist."
I look down below again." I'm not sure if they are too small for him. The problem is it is a 30 sheer drop. We can go up and down via rope but we can't haul Ghost up and down."
Out of Character: : I might be wrong on this. My impression is that it is a 30 foot drop though. Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Sep, 2017 - 1:27am
I look at Rachel and think about it for a second, "Right, we position some of the trees as a ramp that we can shimmy down to get to the tunnels. Ghost, who is even more sure footed than we are, can use it too. We'll tie ourselves in with a roping system where we are tied up top and to the tree we are using as a ramp. We'll just have to get Lord Douglas to give us a bit of manpower to position the trees. We actually did something similar in Afghanistan when we had to get to a tunnel from above and lowering by rope would make us too vulnerable. My guys thought I was a genius for that plan. I accept your adoring adulation for coming up with it here." I smile and wink at Rachel.