As we walk to find Jason I sidle up next to Rachel and say in a soft voice, "I heard you mutter under your breath. I didn't catch it all but I'll have you know I do love history." Louder I continue, "Now, let us go torture our friend. Then we have to plan for tomorrow's mission."
Out of Character: I think Jason just called his girlfriend a lady. That may not be exactly how he meant it to come across but that is ALL that she heard.
I will follow behind Rachel and Dennis, watching as they plot the embarrassment Jason as I consider what I might say or how I might say it when it comes to talking with the young elf, but I'm hopeful that everything will work out.
Out of Character: Not too much to say or add at the moment.
I look at Jason, a sly grin on my face seeing his worried expression, give him a wink, and then dive into relaying the conversation we had with Lord Douglas, ending with… "And so you see they will transport us down to the tunnels. We'll have to decide which tunnel to explore first when we get there. I need you three to keep reminding me we are in a magical environment and to get out of my conventional way of thinking." I stop and wait for Jason to comment and then interject, "Oh, and one more thing, we'll be having our Elven cohort go with us tomorrow. That includes Thalica." Rather than looking smug or mischievous I actually look a bit concerned at that.
I scratch my chin a bit. "Magic is all well and good, and we do need to get used to it being available, but teleportation magic is… intensive. With that in mind, it sounds like getting down is the easy bit, a simple Disc spell can take care of Ghost in that regard, but are we confidant we can get back up? We have a bit of daylight left, what about setting up a lift just in case? Two strong ladders, a bit of timber, a lot of rope, and a bit of canvas, and the men up top can haul Ghost up and down, along with anything else that can't climb a rope."
My voice gets a little tight as I continue, "And yes, I know they're coming along. I spoke with Thalica about it, tried to impress on her the seriousness of the matter. She has promised to help us keep the others together in a support position, out of the way and out of the worst of the danger. Whether they'll all listen is another question of course." Edited: daishain on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 10:39pm
Qwantithalica watches you talking and when you look towards her she is waiting on Jason and has a nice smile on her face.
Out of Character: You have until tomorrow morning to figure out what you are going to do next. Jason would have seen a score of soldiers heading north toward the river/creek.
I smile back at Thalica, whatever other complications come with her, she easily brightens a room. "In any case, if we want to set up that lift, we'll need to get started now, and I could use your help. You with me?"