"I was human as you are now when I first came here. I have not been able to get back to know if you are just a copy here or not But I lost many good friends since I came here. Yes this is like a Dungeons & Dragons world. Magic has changed me and Magic can change you too. Lwethiela is a half elf. You will meet full blooded elves here as well as humans, and thus far Goblins to mention a few things. I do not know what all is in this world besides what I just told you as the others are my scouting parties as I work on securing this foothold. I will tell you one thing. I dislike cutting down trees just willy nilly. IF you harvest a healthy tree you better have a very good reason for it."
“Ah, a Druidic leaning,hmm” I smile in understanding and continue. “Okay, Until I can discover some answers, I’ll need a way to survive. What can I do here, as a living? I’m a technologist by trade, which has little purpose here I gather. I’m also a bit of a jack of trades, and I’m willing to try my hand at most things. If possible, I’d like to learn something about this worlds magics. There must be rules and logic in how they work, if the effects are repeatable. I am an avid gamer as well, if that knowledge ports over to the world here, but I’d need some research time to see what matches. Do you have a library I could delve into?”.
I echo Jason's comments as we emerge." Move slowly Ghost. We don't need to alarm them. No need for or one of us to be attacked accidentally." I grin at the two others. "Another successful mission. We will be pros at this one day."
I was glad we made it out safely, for it seems no dangers were found tgus far in the tunnels with perhaps an ally that they could have down there as well. Considering I say, "Let's try to figure out a way of blocking off that water. If not by magic, perhaps by some other means." Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Oct, 2017 - 12:52am
"We have a few days before its a concern for the lower passages, we should have those explored by then. Easy way to block it off is a bit of Wall of Stone, only catch is that would prevent our entry as well without digging a new passage. I think we'd need a good reason to go to that much effort for continued access."
"Of course it is possible that George was entirely serious about being capable of keeping water from entering the ruins. I'd love to see that at work." Edited: daishain on 30th Oct, 2017 - 1:22am
As the main party comes out of the tunnel you see the guards relaxing and not paying too much attention but you see a few of them nod you way as they recognized ghost and Rachel as they neared the mouth. One of the guards comes up and tells you to news of a person a man coming out of the NW tunnel and taken a little bit ago up to the stronghold.
Speculating that this was the new arrival mentioned by George I ask, "Did this one look to be an arrival from a weird world like us? Also, did Lwethialia go with him? We had information for her before going back in."