3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 247 of 616

Upon seeing the guards, I know it must be - Page 247 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 31st Oct, 2017 - 1:58am

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30th Oct, 2017 - 8:38pm / Post ID: #
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3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 247

The Learner says...

Spying the shops, and the small waft of smoke from the chimney… I think, a blacksmith..maybe. If so, good to know. I continue on toward the castle, somewhat excited to get there, my pace quickens. I've always wanted to see inside one and curious is if it was drafty or somewhat warm inside.

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Post Date: 30th Oct, 2017 - 9:33pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I return the grin, continuing to walk to where I'm being led. "Coffee has a bit of an inverse effect on me. So does alcohol. The Lord Douglas has made it pretty clear I'm welcome to stay on, as long as I help out where he needs, and I'm good with that. This sudden influx of knowledge was a surprise but you're right - it does put me in mind of a planned abduction for purpose. Any clues on this intelligence, or it's overall goals? Was there any correlation of the people who have been chosen to participate in this world's issues? Some kind of common thread of selection?"
"I've noticed that technology still works, also. Have you had any issues implementing some of our known physics here? I'd like to at least get some kind of recharging system going, so I can store info on the phone. I think it could be incredibly useful here, but I wouldn't want to offend some God of invention or anything."
"Why is this a 'blank map'? Are we in a desert or some other kind of impediment for the natives to have already established towns & such here?"
Upon reaching the practice ground, I peruse the weapons and gear available, choosing anything that I feel competent with, and practice some kata, seeing what has changed in my skill sets since the memory surge.

Post Date: 30th Oct, 2017 - 11:01pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

I scratch my chin, "Lets see, where to start."

"I don't know how well you fit in the established pattern, but we've been from many walks of life, ages, and skill sets. All adults so far. All of us are gaming nerds to at least some degree, in particular we share a love of Dungeons & Dragons, which is appropriate since this world seems to conform to much of that lore and setup. Most specifically, we've all been members of a website called bordeglobal."

"I don't know if he mentioned it, but Lord Douglas is also from Earth. He came here decades ago with a large number of his friends. That group broke from the prior pattern only in terms of not having access to the website, or the internet in general for that matter."

"One other commonality, all of us have had an… awakening after arriving here. Yours was unusually fast, most of the rest of us were here more than a day before that happened. Everyone's experience has been different. I got zapped on touching a chunk of Mithril, Rachel spent time communing with nature in a cave, etc. But these events seem to impart new skills and abilities, and they tend to be at least somewhat connected to our own preexisting tendencies. I'm a Mechanical and Industrial Systems Engineer for instance, and ended up with knowledge and abilities related to smithing and making magical artifacts."

"So far at least, I've noticed no differences in regards to the basic physical laws in place. Save for those induced by magic at any rate. I recently obtained a supply of magnesite and have started making a basic foot powered dynamo, if it works as intended, I'll use it to start making ferromagnets for a more powerful generator. So that recharger might be possible. Fair warning, I never had much interest in being a Sparky, so don't remember much about power regulation, it could take a long while of experimenting before I'm comfortable trying to power something as sensitive as a computing device. I really don't want to damage the few we have, and without even the right tools to measure my output… "

"In any case, haven't heard from any gods of invention yet, with luck they'll encourage it, ignore it, or at the least give a clear warning to stop."

"As to the blank map issue, most of the inhabitants of this place, along with the stronghold itself, are also foreigners to this world. Through means not yet disclosed to us, they recently transported the entire damn thing from another world, though it seems their origin point is not very dissimilar to this place. So yeah, most of the surrounding area is forest, and there's nothing preventing its exploration, that task just hasn't been done yet."

"If there's a particular reason for the actual natives of this world to not have colonized the area, we haven't run across signs of it yet. Well, other than the goblins that is, but they're not a threat to organized defenders."

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 30th Oct, 2017 - 11:09pm

Post Date: 30th Oct, 2017 - 11:29pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Page 247 Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I smile at Thomas." Thank you Thomas for that. That would be a big help." Hearing Jason I decline." Not tonight Jason. I'm not feeling up to it. I'm going to my room." I walk up slowly to my room and kick off my shoes. I lay down in my bed and stare out the window with my mind full of dark thoughts.

Post Date: 31st Oct, 2017 - 1:15am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I seize upon mention of bordeglobal and stop my kata, focused fully on Jason “Bordeglobal? Then I’m part of that commonality also! I just joined the site about two months ago. When you were on, what handle did you go by? I went on as GKnightBC. ”

“Back home, I’m CTO for
A national computer company, but I’m more of a dilettante, in that I like to try my hand at anything that interests me, which would explain the dump of knowledge and skills I received. I’ve got theory and practical skills of all kinds bouncing around my head, including magical patterns, prayers to various deities, thief talents and such. It’s really quite empowering! I do have knowledge of electronics to a decent degree, and I know some ways of determining voltage, resistance and such that could help you get where you want to be. Even using the fruit battery basics would be enough to charge a phone safely, just would need some pure metals. It’ll be a fun experiment, and we’ll keep the power low while we fine tune it!” I grin widely thinking of bringing clean tech into a magic rich world. “Who knows, we might be able to make some hybrid tech, involving magic!”.

Attached Image Edited: Gknightbc on 31st Oct, 2017 - 1:16am

Post Date: 31st Oct, 2017 - 1:36am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game

As Vickie heads closer to the strong hold she can see people patrolling the top. Guards see you approaching the gate and they watch you to see what you are going to do. Seeing you have no weapons they are not overly concerned about you. When you do get close they will ask you your business here.

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Post Date: 31st Oct, 2017 - 1:53am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game - Page 247

I nod, "That last was the idea, at least once I got the tech I knew going, using magic to bridge some of the gaps we have troubles with on Earth. One of the ideas I was toying with is a piston driven shaft. Instead of driving the pistons by burning gas, imagine a series of rods that constantly shift in length. I don't know exactly how rapid the size change from the shrink item spell is, but even if it is slower than I think, a large enough rod would still exert considerable pressure. Of course, we could always just attach a bunch of Endless Water Decanters to a big flywheel… "

"I was also thinking about going for a low moving part solution. Set up a chamber lined with solar panels and place a permanent Daylight spell in the center. Unfortunately I don't know how to get the materials we'd need for the PV cells, they don't exactly have a producer of crystalline silicon around here, and I'm not familiar with that particular process at all."

"In any case, I am really glad to hear about your expertise. It should help project Connecticut Yankee considerably. I was really not looking forward to figuring out electronics the hard way."

"On Bordeglobal, I went by Daishain, but I'd be surprised if you know the handle, I imagine people ceased complaining about me abandoning my duties as a game master on that site well before you joined."

31st Oct, 2017 - 1:58am / Post ID: #
L4 Ardent L5 XP 5601...
Follower / Right Rear Flank
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3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 247

The Learner says...

Upon seeing the guards, I know it must be inhabited by someone as I see banners flying as well. I guess my eyes missed them when I arrived and looking around. I like the color and the "Coat of arms" is somewhat familiar..like I should know it's meaning.
Once I arrive at the gate and the guard address me, I will say that I've just arrived to this land and would like shelter and food. If it is alright with the owner of this castle.

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