I look at Jason, and then the group of young elves.
I say, "Do they know anything about these caves?"
"She has apparently picked up some kind of fire magic ahead, likely another trap."
Turning back to him I'll say, "Can you point me to where its triggers and apex are? I may be able to determine more, perhaps even disable it."
Out of Character: Artificer can detect magical traps with a search check. Hopefully I can get a bonus on looking again with someone assisting me in pointing it out. Edited: daishain on 16th Nov, 2017 - 7:27pm
"There's nothing to apologize for, thank you for the warning."
Looking to the others, I state, "I don't think we can get close enough to that trap without setting the damnable thing off."
"We can find another passage, or we can deliberately set this thing off. If I remember right, the Summon Monster spell has a few options that are immune to fire. We could send a fiendish centipede down the lane, let it explode harmlessly. What do you guys think, doable?"
I agree "Sounds fine by me. I'll be interested to see your spell at work, too. I should have brought a notebook or something."
I ask Jason "Could you please ask the one who spotted the trap - How far to get to the other side? Could someone jump it? Is the area of the trap on the floor or the whole volume? Maybe we can leap over it and then disarm it?" Edited: Gknightbc on 16th Nov, 2017 - 11:24pm