I finish eating a simple but satisfying dinner and head back to the library for a few minutes. After obtaining permission, I take a few of the almanacs back to my room. I say hi to Jason, and then lay in my cot to study the maps. Having learned how to sleep in any environment under any condition, I close my eyes and think back to my time in the infantry in the 82nd Airborne Division. I could go to sleep in the back of a deuce and a half (2 1/2 ton Army truck) while it was bouncing along a trail with my hear on my Kevlar helmet which I'd rest on top of my M-16. Boy, how did I manage to get to sleep like th… My internal clock goes off. Another skill from my Army days. I wake up. I reckon it to be around 0400. I wash up a bit, get dressed quickly and quietly, and then wake Jason.
"Wake up sleepy head. We're burning moonlight. It's 0430 or so. That's 4:30 AM for you civilian types. Get ready and make sure you take a weapon. No telling what we'll find at this time, in this place, in those woods. I'm going to go wake Rachel."
I leave the room and go next door. Knocking softly so as not to wake the whole castle I say, "Rachel, time to get up. We have some most excellent army training to start today. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Please take a weapon when you are ready, no telling who or what we'll meet this fine morning."
I wait for her response to make sure she is awake.
Out of Character: We need to ask Douglass the name of this world.
I'm tossing and turning in bed when I hear a knock at the door. For a moment I'm not sure where I'm at. I don't recognize my surroundings through my bleary eyes. Ugh. I hate getting up early. Seeing Ghost I realize where I am. A pang of homesickness passes through me. I call out " Okay. I'm awake. ". A little while later I crawl out of bed. Early mornings are bad no matter the world.
I walk over to my mirror and begin preparing for the day. I frown as I realize yet again the absence of makeup on this world. Having prepared myself as much as possible I pull on my earth clothes that have been washed by someone in the castle. I have nothing else suitable to wear for something like this. " Come on Ghost. " I open the door and step into the hall. The wolf follows me and I close the door. If I don't see the others then I will head down to the training ground we set up yesterday. I remember now that I didn't get a weapon yet. I smile down at Ghost. Who needs a weapon with him around? Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th Apr, 2017 - 3:33pm
I blink rather blearily, shaking my head. "Damn it all, I knew you were going to do this, and it still sucks Dennis."
Working off the sleep, I get dressed and equipped. Armor, dagger, light crossbow. Take the multitool as well, the little flashlight will come in handy if nothing else. Might as well get used to moving in this stuff. The leather armor is a bit stiff, but not bad by any stretch. However, I know from experience in the BSA that even slight drags can wear on a person over a day.
Presently, I'll join the other two for today's activity. Edited: daishain on 29th Apr, 2017 - 4:04pm
I meet Jason and Rachel outside of their rooms. We head down the stairs and outside. We go outside, cross the parade field/training grounds, go out the gate, and turn left. I start a slow trot. "We'll stay close to the castle and make a few loops this morning. Believe me, nothing extreme. If it looks like we can handle it, we'll do some Indian runs. That's where we continue at a slow pace but stretch the distance between us so that we are about 100 meters from front to rear. Then the rear runner will sprint to the front, the place of the front runner, the front runner will back off, and once we're 100 meters apart again the person at the rear now will sprint forward. We 'll only do that if I think we are ready and only a few times… today."
Then, as we trot I try something. Okay, we look like a raggedy bunch here. In the Army when we run we do it in unison, to a cadence. Here, I'm going to try this.
"Left, one, two, three, four."
"When I speak your left foot should be hitting the ground. Here's the cadence, get in rhythm."
"Okay, that's better, looking good. This will take your mind off of it, help breathing, and build your lung capacity. It's a little known fact that singing while you run makes the run more effective. Now, let's try something else." I start to sing an airborne cadence running song.
"C-130 rolling down the strip
64 troopers on a one way trip
Mission top secret destination unknown
We don't know if we're ever comin home"
"Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door
Jump right out and I count to 4
If my main don't open wide
I got a reserve by my side
And if that one should fail me too
Look out below I'm a comin through"
"Slip to my right and I slip to my left
Slip on down and do a PLF
Slip to my left and slip to right
Slip on down into a firefight"
"And if I die on the old drop zone
Box me up and ship me home
Pin my wings upon my chest
And Bury me in the lean and rest"
Out of Character: No jokes, today from Den. At least, not yet. He's all business and seriousness. A C-130 is a USAF aircraft that can carry 64 paratroopers, 32 to a side. They go out the doors located on the left and right. PLF = Parachute Landing Fall. It's the technique taught by the military to paratroopers to soak up the impact of the landing. Wings is talking about the parachutist badge worn proudly by all Army paratroopers. It sets them apart in that they volunteered for one of the harder Army schools and made it through. Lean and rest is Army for the push up position. Edited: Abnninja on 29th Apr, 2017 - 4:23pm
Out of Character: I'm so confused! Okay, I went in and fixed it. That is the problem with playing three games and replying to all of them in close proximity! Bet it's been a minute since heard a C-130 cadence. Edited: Abnninja on 29th Apr, 2017 - 4:24pm