Running through the new knowledge in my head I laugh, thinking how easy life would have been in High school French with this magic. "Puts Google Translate to shame, doesn't it?"
Afterwards, I head for a warm drink and and bed.
Out of Character: : Goblin or Sylvan was not available? If not, I won't take Dwarf and leave the slot free for opportunity later. Jason, you'll have to adjust your sheet accordingly for expenses. Is there a new version of your spreadsheet with all the bars of platinum, etc.? Edited: Gknightbc on 5th Feb, 2018 - 10:25pm
Only two languages were offered and both at the same time so you will have to learn Dwarven another time as the mages went to bed afterwards as it was late.
The morning comes soon as you wake up the first sun is halfway to its zenith. Breakfast is served. Let me know what everyone is doing today.