I work with Jason to find the fuel for the fire and to start it, mostly in silence. Afterwards, I say, "Jason, we should build a travois for the creature to keep it off the ground. A couple of long sticks and some vines should work well. Dragging it on the ground the entire way back may make identification difficult. I volunteer to carry the child… it's the least I can do."
"Not a problem, I've done it before. Fellow BSA scout broke an ankle while hiking through a valley a long time ago. Had to pull him out to where we could call for an ambulance. No need for vines though, the rope we have should do fine, we don't exactly care about how comfortable this passenger is."
Keeping half an eye on the fire as it burns, I hunt around for long and relatively straight branches.
As I busy myself with the travois, I say, "It will easily take until nightfall, if not longer, before this fire is safe to leave behind. If Rachel is willing to keep watch on it, we could head back to the stronghold with the bodies, make our report, and return."
I feel an uneasiness come over me at Jason's suggestion. "There is an old rule of thumb in the Army, 'one is not a team, two is.' I'm afraid to leave one person behind… even if that one person has a dire wolf as a companion. Maybe we do a bit of camping tonight and head back in the morning? I'm sure I can make an exception this one, single, solitary time and do a bit of gathering and rustle us up some nice wild veggies and herbs to add to our provisions. We can make a heck of a good stew I think. Now, it probably won't be Kingsfoil or Lembas like in Lord of the Rings… " I stop and a funny look comes over my face, "Or maybe it will be, who knows. But it'll be good and it'll allow us to keep a guard posted."
"Agreed, lets, uh, lets set up the stew away from the bonfire though, I don't particularly want to smell food along with what is coming from that. I'll get some water going while you forage."
"Stews are something I'm rather good at making, though I must admit to lacking most of my mainstays out here." Edited: daishain on 9th May, 2017 - 3:35pm
I look around at my home. " It's okay Den. It's fine. You two can head back with that filth. Ghost and I can hold down the fort. This isn't like leaving me anywhere. This is my home. " I spread my arms out. " This is where I will be living at in the near future with only Ghost with me. I can't stay in that village. It just doesn't feel right. "
I look at Rachel and my concern eases. I see steely resolve in her, "Yes, you are quite right. We'll be back tomorrow. I wish our cell phones worked… in case you need us quickly. We are going to have to figure out a way to communicate quickly, but that comes in the future. Maybe Jason can come up with something, but that is for the future. Where should we meet you?"
I smile at the two guys. " Ghost and I will have our own bonfire party here. All that is missing is alcohol. You two be careful on the way back. It's out of the way for y'all to come back this way. I'll head out early in the morning. We can meet by the gate we departed out of yesterday. Maybe an hour after sunrise? Or is that too early for you city boys?" I grin at them.