Seeing the hobgoblins approaching, I will aim the Energy Push once they get within range. I am then briefly distrwcted as I see a dark shadowy thing chasing Rachel. As if on instinct, I aim my Energy ray towards it hoping to hurt it and help Rachel get away from it.
Our of Character: Already did Energy Push and Energy Ray rolls earlier. Will do Initiative and a intelligence roll now.
Ghost growls as the hobgoblins approach. He lunges at them furiously hoping to destroy them quickly. With each attack he will attempt to trip them.
As I land safely somehow I transform into my usual shape. I cast call lightning. Lightning flashes from my hands towards the beast. I will try to keep my distance by racing between tight tree clumps. While doing this I will look for a large body of water.
Out of Character: : Rolling for opportunity attacks which will be available if he knocks then prone. I have no intention of fighting. Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Oct, 2018 - 1:09am
The Hobgoblins come storming in towards the party. Jason Shoots one hitting it for 14 damage as Ghost runs up to one biting it for 9 damage. He tries to trip one as it comes forward and succeeds as one goes down. Vickie hits one knocking it back a step for 4 damage. Travis Misses with his attack and Qwantithalica hits the one Jason shot for 6 more damage. Grant misses with his attack. The Hobgoblins attack Missing Ghost as they move forward. One in the back begins to pull what looks like a rock out of its pocket. Jonathan Misses with his attack.
Elsewhere the creature roars in pain as it is struck by a bolt of lightning dealing 8 damage
Next round - Jason hits the one he shot before killing it. Ghost Misses his AOO on the downed Hobgoblin and attacks the one by him biting it for 6 more damage as he tries to trip another This one side steps and stays on its feet. Vickie hits one for 3 damage. Travis hits one for 1 point of damage. Qwantithalica hits the one that has the rock looking object for 6 damage. Grant hits for 11 damage. The Hob goblins now attack Grant and Ghost. Two are on the ground and they miss. One hits Grant for 3 damage the rest mist. The one with the rock has it out and it speaking into it. Jonathan join the fray and hits one hard for 16 damage.
Rachel is able to avoid the creature and hits it again with lightning for 10 damage.
Next round Jason hits the one speaking for 15 damage causing it to fumble the rock. Ghost misses his AOO but bites the one by him for 7 more damage. He tries tripping one again but misses. Vickie misses with her attack. Travis misses. Qwantithalica misses with her attack. Grant misses too. The Hobgoblins attack Jonathan but miss as one tries to get up, Grant is missed and Ghost is hit for 7 damage. The others miss. Jonathan gets a great hit on one cleaving it in two as it tries to stand up killing it with 62 damage.
Rachel sees a tree fall close to her but avoids it. A snap of jaws catches her a bit for 15 damage. Meanwhile lightning hits the creature for 17 more damage.
Next round Jason finishes off the one with the rock with a nice shot killing it. Ghost finishes off another and attempts to trip another one and is successful as another one falls to the ground. He missed on his AOO. Vickie misses again. Travis and Qwantithalica both miss. Grant is able to hit one after jumping for 35 damage killing it. The hobgoblins with two on the ground are moving away. Jonathan misses with his next attack.
Rachel is able to avoid the next attack as she calls lightning again hitting the creature for 12 more damage and then disappears. The creature stops chasing her and begins to search for her.
Next round as the Hobgoblins try to flee Jason hits one for 26 killing it. Ghost bites one that is down for 8 damage. Travis misses again, Qwantithalica hits one for 6 more damage. The rest of the party miss as the two left try to get up. One manages to get up to flee as the other one is killed when Ghost hits with a AOO as it gets up.
One Hobgoblin is left and it is running away as it grabs the rock as it tries to run away. I will need actions from everyone.
Since no one identified the creature as it went past only Rachel knows what it was. You would not have heard the roars of pain from it due to the battle noise around you.
Taking advantage of my enhanced movement options, I rush at full speed as quietly as possible to the final hobgoblin, sword striking down as I catch up in moments.
Specific Action: Move 40' per and since I was already in melee in the area I should be able to catch up to the fleeing foe easily. If the distance is too far, I will use the added 10' teleport as a free action to strike him down from behind. If he still further than 20', I would full move to catch up quietly, and then strike. Using Inspiration to damage, if it hits.
Out of Character: - and a dragon in the back.. Hooboy.
I am cursing as I aim at the last hobgoblin, trying to bring it down. As soon as it falls, or gets away, I'll call out. "We need to move, more hobgoblins are probably on their way. Someone grab that stone they were using to try and report with and lets go. We have got to find Rachel and help her get away, that was a f*ing dragon chasing her."
Assuming that the others are likewise determined not to abandon a companion, I'll try to get people moving in the direction that we saw the two fliers headed. We set a pace that is slower than I'd like, but we can't afford to be spotted before we see the thing, and besides, I have work to do in case it does turn into a fight if we are to have a chance at survival. I trust the others to keep an eye out as I do my best to work as quickly as I can in the saddle.
Shortly after we get moving in the direction we saw Rachel head in, I'll tell Ghost, "Please help us find Rachel."
Out of Character: I don't know how much time we have, but I'm prioritizing infusions like this, Bane Dragon infusion on my souped up crossbow, BD on Thalica's longbow, BD on 2 other ranged weapons in the group. That will burn through all my 2nd and 3rd level infusions, leaving me with just 4 level 1s left. Unless someone has a better idea, I'd use them to prep four castings of Darkbolt (Fairly powerful ranged touch damage spell, also has a chance to Daze a struck target), someone without a good ranged weapon could use those.
If we are forced into combat, the idea will be to scatter to avoid being caught up in a breath, and keep shooting the damn thing until its dead or decides we're too prickly to mess with. Priority for anyone in its crosshairs will be flight.
Out of Character: - I forgot about the bane on the great sword. Adding appropriate dice now. Mod to hit is an additional +2, but I don't see that mattering. I'll take the dragon bane on my bow.
In Character: - After the dispatching of the last hob, I pick up the magical walkie-talkie and full speed run back to the group, looking around. When I hear Jason identify the black shape I saw moments ago, I exclaim "Holy crap! Really? A dragon? Damn, I wish it wasn't a bad one. I'd love to talk with a real dragon!" And get mounted, ready to chase it down with the group. As we ride out, I aid Jason as best as I can, holding his components as we travel. "These banes of yours really work miracles, Jason. Do you think it'll work as well against a dragon, too? Seems such a shame to have to kill something so amazing." Edited: Gknightbc on 25th Oct, 2018 - 2:21am
It will take you the better part of two hours to find where they came to ground at. You can see a path of destruction leading south and east away from where you were fighting the hobgoblins. The path is not straight and after following it for a few more minutes you come to a clear spot of destruction that looks like the dragon threw a fit searching for something or someone. The area is clear no one around.
As far as the last Hobgoblin you were able to kill it and grab the rock. It looks like a normal everyday rock.