3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 94 of 616

I look up to where Jason points, pain courses - Page 94 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 6th Jun, 2017 - 6:11am

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Post Date: 5th Jun, 2017 - 1:58pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 94

"Right, lets move. Let me know when you two need to stop"

I'll get one of the injured to carry a torch, suggest that Ghost stays in front, and follow behind with my crossbow.

As soon as an appropriate branch can be found, I'll start masking the trail as described. Preferably we'd be heading relatively towards the fort, though not quite along the trail we came. Don't want to wander into a new threat

After about a half hour, going to try and find a relatively well hidden site to rest at.

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5th Jun, 2017 - 6:39pm / Post ID: #
L4 Bard
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Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

The Storyteller says...

I decide to get an early start in preparing for the night, feeling that perhaps if I stayed near the clearing it might at least lead for a better start in the morning. Perhaps I might be so lucky, or unlucky mattering who or what they were, to meet someone else while waiting. Thankfully there was a stream nearby and the cover of tree.

Still I was frustrated, not even having the most basic of tools for survival, it having been so long since I even needed a compass or swiss army knife. Worse of all will being unable to make a fire. Yet, at the very least, I could start looking for any sort of food that might be nearby.

Specific Action: I will try searching for food, anything I can use as a shelter, and see if I might spot anything else while choosing to stay in the clearing for now. Yes, I'm going to try a few rolls.

Also see if I can recall anything I can learned even if I could not remember anything before. I will take as much time as needed to do this so as to get a better result.

Thomas Results:
  • Survival on D20 (+2): 18 (1 roll)
  • Search on D20 (+5): 14 (1 roll)
  • Spot on D20 (-1): 2 (1 roll)
  • Knowledge (nature) on D20 (+3): 19 (1 roll)

Post Date: 6th Jun, 2017 - 2:37am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Out of Character: Jason's outstanding rolls probably saved the party. Great rolls! I'm sure we'll find a nice and safe spot to lay our heads.

Post Date: 6th Jun, 2017 - 3:23am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Page 94 Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

Main group. You figure you can make a decent camp on the ridge above the cave and be out of sight of any coming out of the cave if you decide on a cold camp. It will take a bit to get up there 2-3 hours and you do not know for sure that the area is occupied or not or the exact time of day.

Group B Allen keeps following the stream up stream as Thomas decides to bunker down at the edge of the clearing. Thomas tries racking his brain for what he remembers about the woods.

Out of Character: I will not tell you what you remember of woods survival as it is YOU.

6th Jun, 2017 - 3:26am / Post ID: #
L4 Bard
Follower / Middle Rear
Character Sheet Lock
Active Player Active Role-player!

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

The Storyteller says...

Out of Character: : Though there does seem to be a bit of circling around or generally feeling that I am at a point where not very much can be done, I do hope that fact that I actually got some pretty good rolls makes a difference. Especially the Survival and and Nature, as well Search, though again it appears failing a Spot check may be the norm.

Just noticed your reply Dungeon Master, one moment and I'll see what I can put together.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Jun, 2017 - 3:34am

Post Date: 6th Jun, 2017 - 4:31am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game

*I keep on my path of choice. This time focusing on my path and the area around me even more than normal.* 'I don't like this. Alone in the woods where no one can hear you scream. It's like a bad horror flick. Gods and goddesses of this world, if you exist here, guide me true, please.'

Specific Action: I am putting more focus into the environment around me than on the end goal of finding something good.

Out of Character: : I have a feeling I am starting to get repetitive.

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Post Date: 6th Jun, 2017 - 4:49am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game - Page 94

"That ridge looks promising, but I don't think its wise to make that kind of difficult ascent with you guys in the condition you are in. Especially in the dark."

If they agree, I'll keep moving, and look for an appropriate cold camp site as described and rolled for before.

Out of Character: 2-3 hours to climb a ridge? Yeesh.

Post Date: 6th Jun, 2017 - 6:11am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 94

I look up to where Jason points, pain courses through my body, but I say, "I can make it." I grit my teeth.

> TOPIC: 3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game


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