Right, so, I promised to write up what I recall of this stuff unassisted before looking it up. Starting with the AC generator/electric motor, and ferromagnet production.
To generate a current, you quite simply need to forcibly spin a coil of wire such that it rotates through a magnetic field. Or spin magnets around/within a coil, options vary. Most power plants boil down to finding interesting ways to physically spin a big wheel attached to magnets or a coil of wire.
To run an electric motor, you take the same basic setup you used for the above, and run an electric current through the coil. If free to do so, the magnets will start spinning in response.
As to making the magnets I'll need for this mess, ferrous metals have naturally magnetic zones inside of them, but normally they're too jumbled up to project a coherent field. You can partially align them with electricity, or by rubbing a magnet across, but both methods are temporary.
To make something that will last, the metal must be heated past the Curie temperature, which if I remember right is about 800 centigrade for iron. Once past that point, the aforementioned magnetic zones can easily be shifted to a new resting place that aligns with the others. I was told that the best method for this on a small scale is to heat the metal, place it within an induction coil, and lightly tap it with a ceramic hammer as it cools. The vibrations help the zones resettle in alignment with the magnetic field inside of the induction coil, then when the metal cools off, they're more or less stuck there.
In order to bootstrap my way into the game, I figure I can use the magnesite to make a small footpowered generator, use that to power the induction coil. Use the created magnets to make a stronger generator, then use it in turn to make stronger magnets, etc, until I no longer observe an improvement between "Generations".
Note to mods, yes, believe it or not this is all game related. Edited: daishain on 19th Sep, 2017 - 3:21am
You and I posted nearly simultaneously. Did you notice Den's query about planting a more sustainable source of wood? Something for the long-term for when we all are long gone and others are in charge here.
I'd hoped for a more lively conversation in that meeting, but ah well. Thank you guys for your patience with this interlude, lets just say A Connecticut Yankee in King Author's Court was one of my favorite books at a young age, and uplift scenarios are still something of a favored fantasy.
I assumed in my last post you guys waited that last day for the armor. Thomas, you should be able to update your equipment with that. Edited: daishain on 20th Sep, 2017 - 5:16am
A Connecticut Yankee in King Author was actually a really interesting premise, and a story that I enjoyed. Admittedly a fair consideration in this situation.
Sure, though I may take to Lord Douglas in acquiring other items, since I don't appear to have anything except what I came with and the Lyre that appeared before me.
We picked up some basic gear for you and Alan just before setting out for the goblin cave again. I think you ended up with a rapier, light crossbow, basic supplies and a light horse. Should be able to go back through the thread and confirm the details. Edited: daishain on 20th Sep, 2017 - 8:31pm
Found it, here's what I had listed down for Thomas
Light horse, saddle, tack, saddlebags, backpack, bedroll, Flint and Steel, dagger, 50' hemp rope, waterskin, Rapier, Studded Leather
We can easily purchase more basic items. There's a couple hundred available at the moment.