Regarding thieves' tools, I get that they're not common items, and the authorities wouldn't want them to become commonly sold, but the stronghold doesn't have a locksmith somewhere?
If other avenues turn up nothing, how difficult would you say it would be to craft my own set? Either basic or masterwork. Kinda tired of picking locks with an improvised tools penalty. Edited: daishain on 19th Oct, 2017 - 3:29am
Ostensibly because not everyone wants to bother said 2 powerful mages every time they lose a key, and said mages don't want to be bothered for mundane tasks done for every Tom Dick and Harry in the settlement.
But no worries, I guess I'll just add it to my ever growing crafting list. Edited: daishain on 19th Oct, 2017 - 7:21pm
That reminds me, did we ever decide on an official fate for Allen? He just kind of disappeared on us.
It seems likely to come up in the upcoming meet and greet.
I hate to say it, but he was with us so little, it might actually be easier to act as if he never arrived in this world.
Though in consideration the reason I got sucked into this world was because I went looking for him. We can ignore such a detail, but I'd rather not. Perhaps in the excitement though Allen was forgotten, and got sucked back to our world without anyone noticing.
I'm pretty sure I can say with confidence the reason why Allen disappeared was different than with whatever happened to Dennis. I won't go into the details of such here, and I probably shouldn't anyway.