KN, In relation to my last post in the "Main game thread," I would like to amend the words colt and filly.
Instead of colt, have gelding, and instead of the filly have mare.
So as not to re-write this out again, I will have the respective horses, being older.
Since I honestly didn't know where to reinsert myself, I thought reading was an appropriate decision. The library had always been a second home, especially when I wanted to spend some time alone.
Travis, will keep on doing the predictable, dinner go to the library to read. Breakfast, go out and feed, groom Sabrina, a mare. Oh, and of course partaking in a few ales, with the others.
Looking for anything that may resemble a gym, or science lab, in this joint, seeing if anyone is playing any games here?
May even, go and have a chat with those Mage's, Lord Augustus mentioned. They might have a clue, as to where we all are, and what year it is?
I spend time in the library because of the factotum classes skill ranges, mainly. I also spend time working with the alchemists to create/recreate Earth technologies. So far I've created a Leyden jar to store electricity and release it gradually. So there is a sort of 'science lab' in place already, if you wanted to join me. The only thing you call a gym around here would be the workout yard where people train with weapons and such. I'm sure I or others with some martial arts skill could spar with you, if that was also needed. There is a map of the stronghold and surrounding buildings available.
Looks, like Travis is joining up with the other's on the expedition. Although, without the experience, and experiencing the "Event", yet. Sounds like fun, yet dangerous.
Travis, has now experienced the "Event," as it is known. With the ability, to read the divine spell list from Cleric, and Druid.
But,will either need confirmation, or perhaps another transformation and or training for remainder of Archivist abilities from KN.
That includes, his current set of skills, including scribe spell, dark knowledge, and use of current weapons.
The scribe spell, skill implying that Travis would have the ability to both read and write Druid and Cleric spells.
However, I'm assuming that Travis would only be able to read and write, a spell from his particular level.
Which, in his case would be level 0, at this precise moment in time.
Therefore, unless he was a second level character he wouldn't be able to "Cast" a second level spell. This, applying to Cleric and Druid spells.
He, probably at this stage could read them, but that would be the extent.
Does this sound about right? Regarding Travis, current status that is!
Oh boy, that… isn't exactly right.
You are a level 1 archivist now, and should have access to all of the associated abilities, including level 1 spells.
However, spell level and character level are not 1:1. You will NOT have access to level two spells as a level 2 archivist. You will gain those at Archivist level three. Level 3 spells are available at Archivist level five, so on and so forth.
You will want to be on the lookout for scrolls containing divine spells, collecting and copying from those will be your main way to gain new spells.