How Do Blind People Express Emotion?

How Blind People Express Emotion - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 30th Dec, 2022 - 9:43pm

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How Do Blind People Express Emotion?

Do blind people express their emotions in the same way as people who can see? Facial expressions play a powerful role in social interactions from birth to adulthood. Fear, joy, anger — all our emotions are articulated and understood thanks to universal codes. Common sense sees this enterprise as an act of imitation: children imitate their parents by reproducing the facial expression linked to each emotion. But if this is the case, does the same hold true for people who were born blind? Researchers analyzed 21 scientific studies conducted between 1932 and 2015 to find the answer. Source 3v.

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28th Sep, 2021 - 11:19pm / Post ID: #

Emotion Express People Blind How

I think we feel emotion a little different than our sighted friends. I believe that we sometimes cry, laugh, and yell. We would get angry and not want to talk to anybody. We can show when we are happy.

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2022 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #

How Do Blind People Express Emotion?
A Friend

How Do Blind People Express Emotion? Health & Special Psychology

Are facial expressions that reveal emotions such as fear, joy or sadness innate or learned? The truth is that science is not capable of categorically affirming one thing or the other, although since 1930 there has been a current that postulates that there is something in them that could be considered innate. If that were so, it means that blind people would use the same type of emotional expressions as those who can see.

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