Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter - Page 2 of 34

This is mainly to get myself added to the - Page 2 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 11th Sep, 2017 - 5:40pm

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Post Date: 7th Sep, 2017 - 1:40am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter - Page 2

In case ya'll missed it, I edited my last thread to answer Niklaus' question. Paul ninja'd the ninja.

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Post Date: 7th Sep, 2017 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Chatter QampA Rules Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

I love my character and I especially love this campaign. I've had so many geekout moments just reading the post and how other characters react to Manos. I mean, when you have a 9 Charisma you play a 9 Charisma.

I love how he's basically the cross between a craft wizard and a hay farmer. I'm totally going to look into crafting magic items. The physical descriptions of them alone would be worth it.

I also love how he is chaotic good; so if something happens he is going to try to help, but if he can get something out of it as well then its all the better. (I.e. He would have went even if he was not compensated, but he probably wouldn't be happy about it.) *laugh*.

P.S. Dungeon Master, you are doing an amazing job.

Attached Image Edited: Robertreaper on 7th Sep, 2017 - 4:42pm

Post Date: 7th Sep, 2017 - 4:57pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Welp, what exists of 5E magic item crafting rules is in the DMG. From what I recall however, the general consensus on those rules is… don't bother. They're incomplete, and appear to be designed to discourage PCs from being crafters at all.

Can't truly say I blame them, such crafting is really tough to balance well.

If you and Abn are willing to consider alternatives, this blog has a good suggestion. Source 4z.

Post Date: 8th Sep, 2017 - 11:46am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Page 2 Chatter QampA Rules Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

Yes, you are playing to your charisma and I have no problem with that. In fact, I encourage it. I will work with you regarding craft skills and we'll come up with house rules. Be advised, this will be a work in progress and we'll have to tinker a bit.


I'll wait until tonight for y'all to post your thoughts regarding questions for the Oracle. But I'd definitely like to get the trip to Delphi started. No later than tomorrow morning for that unless you ask for more time to role play working out the questions.

Post Date: 9th Sep, 2017 - 1:47pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Chatter QampA Rules Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

From time to time your patrons may send you messages. These are for you alone. Those of you I can PM will receive them in a PM. Those of you I can't will receive them in the GM notes section of your character sheet. I recommend spending a few FP to pick up a Guardian to make your character sheet private. But this is only a recommendation. I certainly can't tell you where to spend your FP and you may not have enough anyway.

Post Date: 9th Sep, 2017 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter

I'll keep an eye out for messages. Great idea, by the way.

Additional, Manos will wake before dawn and head to town after some morning training. Just For your information incase you have an 'in the morning' post coming up.

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11th Sep, 2017 - 5:50am / Post ID: #
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter - Page 2

Servant of Dreams says...

Well I guess a +1 bonus to is better then nothing Briadia's Perception check, though there could be another way that Keitha assists the ranger when it comes to scouting.

Working together: When two or more characters are working together to attempt a task, the one leading the effort is granted advantage on his/her check.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Sep, 2017 - 5:52am

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2017 - 5:40pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Rules Q&A / Chatter D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 2

This is mainly to get myself added to the thread, so I can see questions and comments as they come in. Thank you for adding this to the main thread, Ninja.

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