Karate Introduction - Page 4 of 5

I thank you for your help, and I'll - Page 4 - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 22nd Jun, 2018 - 12:14am

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Post Date: 15th Jun, 2018 - 12:48am / Post ID: #

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Karate Introduction - Page 4

Greetings Karate and belated welcome to the Community. Sorry to say… no one has played Cozyville in years and I am not updating it at the moment. I do not think the earn FP feature is working. I looked over your Intro and I see you need FP to start a ROK 2 Character so here is what I can do to help you:

Tell me some of the things you like to comment on and I will link Threads on that Topic. For example, you would already be expert in commenting on Blindness so here are Topics in the Community about it: Blindness Search Results Page 1 of 9. There are also specific Topics by state or country.

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Post Date: 16th Jun, 2018 - 2:04pm / Post ID: #

Karate Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Karate

Hello there again JB, karate here. Hmm. That's a shame about cozy ville not being active, it sounded like so much fun to be a part of. Ah well though, here are some things I'm interested in. I'm extremely excited about fully autonomous vehicles comeing to fruition soon, and all of the doors they're going to open up to the blind community that have been previously closed off to us especially when these vehicles reach level 5 autonomy which is when they'll be able to go anywhere and everywhere and all of the driving will be handled by the vehicle itself and noone will have to step in and take control at any time, and yes, that will happen. Google is going to see to it. As you can also see, I also am an avid video and computer gamer and I know right where that thread is, and I was going to create a thread on the transportation forum about the autonomous vehicles and the blind if that'd be okay. I've got all sorts of knowledge I'm willing to share on here. What folks need to realize is just because we're blind, that doesn't make us stupid. We are just as productive as our sighted counterparts. Have a wonderful day and I thank you for making me feel welcomed here. I've gotten lots of positive comments on my thread that I created.

Post Date: 17th Jun, 2018 - 1:39pm / Post ID: #

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Karate Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Karate, it looks like the topics you are interested in have already been started by you and you have the FP you needed to start your third incarnation of your Character so please do carry on. Should you need Topics in the future feel free to conduct a Search as I pointed out earlier.

Blog Read My Blog
Contribution: Hard Work | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Libertarian
Tenet: Reperire Veritatem | Reason: Discuss Global Issues | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 3rd Sep, 2002 - 1:01pm
Signature: Donate Please Support Our Efforts!
Post Date: 18th Jun, 2018 - 1:33pm / Post ID: #

Karate Introduction
A Friend

Page 4 Introduction Karate

Hello everyone, karate here again and yes, I've killed my character but I'm working on saving up the points to save his miserable life *laugh*. Only kidding of course, I'm actually doing quite well with him but I do have a couple of questions first of all. My profession is that of a Bodyguard but I can't seem to find any apprenticeships as a bodyguard but I can find all kinds of them as things like book keepers and woodcrafters for the jail. Should I maybe think about another profession? Something that I may be able to find an apprenticeship for so that I can actually earn a steady income with? Since these little jobs at the tavern only seem to pay peanuts? Also, how do I use the town mystic to refill one of my charges? I know that any sort of help you can give me will be good, and I'm enjoying ruler of kings very much honestly. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Post Date: 21st Jun, 2018 - 12:56am / Post ID: #

Introduction Karate

Hi Karate, here are some tips that might help you in your responses to topics since some of the threads you are replying to are no loner applicable.

For instance threads about the "Forum Arcade" refers to a feature here that no longer operates.

I moved a post of yours to here: Karate's Diet because its less about the topic and more about your personal eating habits.

Try to keep any replies you make centered on the topic. If you are looking for topics that people are currently responding to then please use the hot topics page which for you will be a link to numbers at the top of the page.

If you want topics that no one has answered yet and you will like to have a go then please try: Zero Replies but only respond to what you are genuinely interested in and can add constructively to so as to avoid moderation. Hope that helps you continue having fun.

Post Date: 21st Jun, 2018 - 11:06pm / Post ID: #

Karate Introduction
A Friend

Karate Introduction

Okay, I'll do that and thanks so much for the advice. I never ever want to be an annoyance here in any way, but only wish to share my input and outlook as well as my knowledge if I have any on a certain subject. I do have a question though, since I can't enter the brothel, where else may I learn power and vigor? Also, I know which guild I'd like to join, the paladin guild. My soul I know how to raise as well as my body, but my aura I'm not sure about. It says one of the requirements is that I have to have an aura of law? Is there a way to raise my character's aura? Right now it's good. Incidentally, I've recreated my character but this time I'm really beginning to figure out what to do and what not to do to keep him alive. I've already gotten one skill up to expert. Fire tamer and I've gotten my first house. I did that first off actually right after my background was approved. Now I'm really having fun with Ruler of Kings and plan on going far with Duggin now.

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Post Date: 21st Jun, 2018 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

Karate Introduction - Page 4

Hi Karate! You are not an annoyance and we appreciate your input into the topics. I am only trying to channel your input into the right place as somethings may not be as clear for you.

For general discussion about ROK II you may want to look here: Ruler Of Kings 2 Text Role-playing Game General Discussion:. This link is also in the game to the top as a link named "Discuss".

I will attempt to answer your questions as best I can based on what I know about the game. Some areas of the game are only for donating members and others can only be accessed by the choices you make for your character. You can ask any more specific questions about the game in the link I gave you above.

Post Date: 22nd Jun, 2018 - 12:14am / Post ID: #

Karate Introduction
A Friend

Karate Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 4

I thank you for your help, and I'll do that right now. Have a wonderful evening.

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