Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer

- Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 18th Nov, 2017 - 2:36am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 9th Nov, 2017 - 12:12pm / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer
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Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer

Hello everyone, I'm Karate and I've been a totally blind video and computer gamer since the ripe old age of 4 years old. I first cut my teeth on such systems as the original Nintendo entertainment system as well as the Atary 2600 system and the Audyssey system. Later on, as the technology improved drastically, I then moved on to the Super Nintendo entertainment system and now, today I use the Xbox 1s and the PlayStation 4, both of which speak to us. Did you know that these systems spoke? That is, they have screenreaders in them which is technology that allows a blind person hear what is on the screen. The Xbox 1 is far more accessible than the Ps4 however, and Microsoft is really in our corner as far as accessibility is concerned, and we as totally blind gamers could not be happier. If anyone has any questions at all about how blind people play video and computer games, please feel very free to ask. I also began using a computer at the age of 5 years old as well, so computers and video games are my life and I'm good with them. Have a wonderful day to you all and I look very forward to our discussion.

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9th Nov, 2017 - 2:47pm / Post ID: #

Gamer Blind Profoundly From Gaming Computer Video

I never knew that those game consoles had stuff in it for the blind, that's amazing that they are doing that for the blind. Thanks for sharing this.

Post Date: 10th Nov, 2017 - 1:40am / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer
A Friend

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer Gaming Video & Issues Computer

Hello again everyone, and I thank you very much for that posative response. Yes, companies have slowly but surely begun building accessibility into their gaming products for those of us who are profoundly blind and it's very exciting as I said before. Now, I'm going to share with you exactly how we as totally blind gamers are able to play video games as I promised you. Well, we actually have a couple of different ways that we play video and computer games. First of all, the menus of a game have to speak so that we know what options are in each menu. Also, in the game itself, when we're moving around inside the world, we need to have sounds that represent objects, such as the case with a first person shooter, we would need sounds that represent obtainable objects such as ammunition clips, new weapons Etc. These types of sounds that represent objects and hazards inside our gaming world are what are commonly called sound layers and we use them for not only objects that can be picked up, but also for stationary objects such as stairs, walls and doors and the like. And the prospect of virtual reality in gaming is really beginning to excite the hek out of me because they are now looking into technology that will actually not only allow a player to actually place his or her whole body inside the virtual world, but to also reach out and physically touch and pick up objects inside the virtual environment. All very exciting stuff, and if you would all like, just ask me, and I'll go into some of what I know about virtual reality and the whole touching objects sanario. For now though, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I look forward to talking with you all very soon.

Post Date: 12th Nov, 2017 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer
A Friend

Gamer Blind Profoundly From Gaming Computer Video

Hello again everyone, karate here again and today I thought I would speak on an idea that I think would be so cool if something could be done to have it implamented. I would absolutely love it if some sort of software could be developed that would allow a player of a game, such as a virtual world like Star Citizen could use a microphone and while speaking, you could actually speak those words as your character. That is, if you were playing inside a medieval virtual world for example, and you were speaking, it would not be your own voice you would hear, but rather your character's own eunique voice. And the voice would not sound robotic at all, like you would hear with those goofy voice changers you buy for kids at toys are us or something along those lines. In case you don't know what Star citizen is, it's a futuristic virtual world that takes place in the 30th century or so, and it is a truly massive world spanning hundreds of star systems and galaxies to explore freely along with planets, space stations and moons also that can be freely explored. Simply go to your favorite search engine and search for Star citizen and I'm sure you'll love it and think it's as cool as I do. If I had usable vision, believe me, I would so be living inside this virtual world. This is one virtual world that I would love to see made accessible for the blind so that we could live in it alongside our sighted counterparts. Have a wonderful day to you all and I look forward to hearing from you soon. And if anyone has any questions as to how we play video and computer games, please feel very free to ask, there is absolutely no such thing as a stupid question.

Post Date: 14th Nov, 2017 - 1:47am / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer
A Friend

Gamer Blind Profoundly From Gaming Computer Video

I thought I'd talk tonight about my experiences with muds. Now I'm sure that lots of you are familiar with what muds are but for those of you who aren't, please allow me to give you a brief explanation of what muds actually are. Muds, standing for multi user dungeons, or if you prefer, a more modern term, multi user dimentions, are literally hundreds if not thousands of rooms all put together in a text based virtual world. These rooms can be any sort of environment the writer can imagine and can include shops, outdoor areas such as towns cities and villages and even underground areas such as caves and yes, even dungeons. A mud can basically be thought of as a living breathing book that you live in when you create a character and take an active roll in that particular world. Muds can also be created in any sort of setting too, such as a futuristic world complete with starships space stations and whole planets and worlds to explore and colonize, or even a medieval setting with swords and sorcery and high fantasy, or even a modern day world if you so choose. Muds are lots of fun for those of us who are profoundly blind since we can't just go into the same kinds of virtual worlds that our sighted counterparts are able to at will such as second life, planet calypso and Star citizen Etc. I say muds are fun but only if they're well written. I can't tell you the number of muds I've seen that were downright horrible and poorly written. I mean you could tell just by reading the stuff that the developers simply threw these things together in a month or so, not really thinking anything through and throwing in things from other worlds to flesh it out, but not really making the world eunique and different from all of the other hundreds of muds out there. On the flip side of that coin however, I've seen some absolutely wonderful muds that were not only well written, but you could also tell that the writers really took the time to think about what they wanted their world to look and feel like, and what sort of setting that they wanted for their world. So the take home message for this post is that muds are loads of fun if they're well written, so look for ones that are very well written and have been around awhile. This may take some trial and error on your part to sort out the excellent from the horrible, but after you've done that you'll find yourself several worlds that you can't wait to dive into and really build yourself a good strong character. Have a wonderful day to you all, and I look forward to hearing your responses.

Rather off topic, but...
Hello again everyone, sorry it's taken me a couple of days or so to be back here, I'm in the process of moving and well, we all know how active that can be now don't we.

14th Nov, 2017 - 12:22pm / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer

That's very good on those game maskers for making games accessible for the blind. I believe that is what is being done in ROK 2 as well to help out. I know MUDs all too well, I used to play Zork way back when and its one of the big reasons I like ROK 2 now.

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2017 - 2:20pm / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer
A Friend

Video Computer Gaming From Profoundly Blind Gamer

Yes, I remember Zork, although I don't think I've ever played it, but I know of several muds that I really like and one company in particular whose work really pulls me in. Maybe you've heard of them, Iron Realms entertainment? I absolutely love their muds because they really think them through and really take the time to build them up and make the worlds as excellent as they can be, including their newest creation that's do to come out some time this comeing year called Starmourn, a futuristic mud that's being built from the ground up and one that I am so looking forward to if all truth be told. I'm happy to see that my topic is getting some discussion, and I'm happy also that you fine folks are getting educated and enjoying it.

Rather off topic, but...
If I am able to be a blessing to those around me, then I'm doing what God put me here for. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Post Date: 18th Nov, 2017 - 2:36am / Post ID: #

Video And Computer Gaming From A Profoundly Blind Gamer
A Friend

Video Computer Gaming From Profoundly Blind Gamer Computer Issues & Video Gaming

Hello again everyone, I apologize for the long gap between posts. I think I'll speak to you this evening on some of my favorite kinds of games that I either have played or experienced, and or those games that I would absolutely love to play but can't because I haven't got the sight with which to play them. First of all, I absolutely love these virtual worlds. Ones like Second life, Planet calypso and most recently Star citizen. I love them because you're pretty much able to do virtually anything you can possibly think of within the theme of the game. In Star citizen, for example, you're able to own starships and do everything with them from salvaging in space, right on up to running a sort of a taxi service complete with in flight movies and drinks when you're able to aford the bigger ships that have those capabilities. You're even able to do space combat and go on missions too, and it's a player run world for the most part although the staff is behind the scenes creating bits of scripted content for some of the Npc, or in this world's case, Ai missions, but inhabitants are now able to create their own missions for people to go on and even get payed for doing the work. Unfortunately, I'll never be able to live inside this virtual world unless one of two things happens. Either Roberts space industries makes the world accessible to the blind, or I get my sight back enough that I'm able to play the game without any sort of sighted assistance or additional software installed. Another type of game I enjoy are life simulation games. Things like the sims series of titles. I like these because, in the case of the Sims, you're either creating a new sim, or picking from a pregenerated sim or family of sims whose lives you take control of in order to help them reproduce and thrive. It's fun to watch and listen to your sims live their lives and to interveen on your sim's behalf to find love or get that next promotion. Another type of life simulator I enjoy playing are ones like Animal crossing. I love these because they put you in a completely fantasy world that goes on in real time even when your system is powered off and you're away from it. You come back literally the next morning, and things have continued to happen, people have continued living their lives even though you weren't there watching everything happen. I would love to play these kinds of games but of course can not because of lack of both sight and accessibility. I also thoroughly enjoy both city builders and theme park builders, since both of these revolve around building businesses, and this rings true especially with the theme park builders, since you're literally building a theme park from the ground up and deciding on everything from which attractions to install, right down to how much condaments to put on the foods you sell in your different shops, and how much to pay your staff. City builders work in much the same way but in this case, you're building a city and helping it grow from a small little town on up to a thriving and buzzing huge city. Well there you have it. Some of the games that I enjoy playing. Next time, I'll cover fighting games such as Street fighter series and Mortal Kombat and open ended worlds like Skyrim. In the meantime, have an absolutely wonderful evening, and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

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