I am Cador. I was first called an Emissary by the Lady Alexandra, a young noble woman just returned from Eastern Lands and I do believe that I reminded her of someone she had once known.
I stand five feet, ten inches tall with an athletic body. I have dark blonde hair with blue eyes. My tanned skin and a light stubble appearance in general makes me unique.
I left school with average grades and, needing to earn coin, I set to work as a scribe in the local messenger's guild. Consumed with wanderlust, I found dull and it was on the advice of Lady Alexandra, a young noble woman, who came to the guild on business, that I left my home and made my way to Town in order that I might gain some experience of the wider world.
Having given the guild adequate service they agreed that, as my final task with them, I could ride shot gun, on a covered wagon bound for Town.
I see myself as one who follows no one. I will however work with those who prove themselves worthy and decent. I want to travel and see the world and I will seek the work that best allows me to do this. I generally view alliances as positive, but only if equitable.
I do not seek to be the next Ruler of Kings. Instead I will seek to broaden my own experiences through travel and interaction. Perhaps one day I'll settle, raise a family and write my book but until one day, I'll keep seeing what's out there.
Advisor Description
Cador would never forget the young noblewoman and adventuress who had ridden into his home town on a white charger. Despite being just three years his senior at 19, she had nevertheless made him feel like the archetypical tongue tied adolescent.
Confident, athletic and cultured she possessed tan skin which glowed with vitality, full lips, lustrous brunette hair pulled into a pony tail and emerald eyes that. Her white teeth had sparkled when she flashed Cador a dazzling smile.
A real Lady she nevertheless carried a composite bow and wore a light cavalry sword on her back. Despite wearing the weapons easily she exhibited confidence, not arrogance.
Her clothing which, despite being of the highest quality was not ostentatious consisted of padded brown leather armour secured by a silver belt buckle and a dark green travelling cloak held at the neck with a silver clasp.
Well endowed, yet not absurdly so Cador had been unable to take his eyes of her as she entered the Messenger's Guild where he worked as a scribe.
The way she looked around the office was like she'd been here before but a very long time ago. After conducting her business with the Guild Master she turned to Cador. Whilst true that, at sixteen Cador, was little more than a man child, he could swear that from the way she looked at him, he reminded her of someone. Despite her youthfulness, the young noble woman's eyes reflected an intelligence and wry humour way beyond her years.
For a moment she said nothing, as though testing him and waiting for a reaction. Having heard her telling the Guild Master of the Messenger's Guild that she'd just ridden in from Eastern Lands Cador ventured that he'd one day like to travel. In response she smiled, 'perhaps you should.' Cador sensed that somehow he had passed her test.
Reflections on your mother
I have the greatest respect for who my mother was.
Her life was far from easy, yet despite this she worked hard to supplement the household income and provide some little extras.
My mother was not a loud person, but when the time came she would fight fiercely to defend the innocent from bullies and oppressors.
The most valuable lesson she taught me was that one, needs to learn to laugh at oneself.
Possessed by a Dementis, her life was taken far before its time, by an ailment of the mind.
May she rest in peace.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
Taking a seat opposite the stranger, Cador kept the pommel of his sword within reach.
As the stranger pulled back the hood of their traveling cloak their features became familiar to Cador. The man's muscular build, his neatly trimmed beard and piercing eyes. Robert, Duke of Gloucester. Seeing the recognition on Cador's face Robert smiled. "There are those that would see you do well young Cador. To this end I've been charged with providing an endowment for your ongoing efforts."
Robert was a well known figure. A master of the battle field who ran his lands with effectiveness and efficiency. Not adverse to hard work Robert, would, if the occasion demanded even help with tasks of manual labour such as getting in the harvest. Hale, hearty and of good humour, Robert was however no one's fool as more than one person had learned to their cost. Neither however was Cador. "And the price for such an endowment?" Robert shook his head, "There is none young Cador. Just a hope that you will go onto to fulfil your true potential." Cador considered the proposition, "if there truly is no price then I'm listening."
Reflections on your father
By the time I knew him my father managed a large store house for a successful merchant.
Prior to this, and meeting my mother, he had served as both a soldier and a sailor. Despite being 'just' an enlisted man he possessed genuine intelligence and, as a young boy, would enthrall me with stories of far flung places.
Perhaps it was these stories or perhaps something which I inherited from my father but, like him, I've always been possessed by a wanderlust to see what's out there.