Should You Refer To Yourself As An Autism Parent? - Page 2 of 2

What matters the most is how a parent treats - Page 2 - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 13th Jan, 2020 - 3:47pm

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Discuss  Should Refer Yourself As An Autism Parent
Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2019 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #

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Should You Refer To Yourself As An Autism Parent? - Page 2

Name: Gemma

Comments: This to me, is the same as using swear words. Some people will always be offended. Others don't care. But in the big scheme of things, does it really matter? It's just words!

Rather off topic, but...
I know the word retarded is really talen offense to, nowadays, its utterly unacceptable for people to use that word, in any circumstances. However, my son has a condition and some doctors and people of a certain generation, still use the word to describe my sons symptoms. I have been through a process of realising that I was initially offended by it, because I was expected to be! Once I let go of what society deemed offensive, and focused on the nature of the conversation instead (As it being used as a medical term and not an insult) there is no time or energy for offense. Its draining and upsetting to choose to be offended by words, just because thousands of other people decide they are offended by a word!

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2nd Jul, 2019 - 3:37pm / Post ID: #

Parent Autism As Yourself Refer Should

Attached Image QUOTE (Alextcooper)
Sure, and that is fine, a parent should look for sympathy in society for their children, the world tends to be harsh and inconsiderate of others problems, to acknowledge and ask others to relate or to at the very least read up on a diagnosis, how is that different from anything else we do as parents?

Exactly, as far as I am concerned this is a real battle I'm in as a parent trying to get my children the BASIC rights of birth. While others try to be worried over a word, terminology and… (Things I rather not say) my children have never been to school, get no help and are rejected by society. There is such a bigger picture that's being missed.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2019 - 8:06pm / Post ID: #

Someone commented...

Should You Refer To Yourself As An Autism Parent? Health & Special Psychology

Name: Wendy

Comment: As a mom of an autistic child, I think it depends on the content. When you are in that [to] educate the world to accept our children, using autism parent is almost necessary. People need to know that you have first hand knowledge of what is it like to live as a parent in this world called autism. It holds so much more power then say someone that has a cousin who has a friend who’s son’s daughter’s boyfriends brother is autistic. But when you just meet people you’re dad and dad first. Or if people question but it’s not the written word or a forum for education maybe just saying my child is autistic is better. Can you see what I’m trying to say?
As for confusion if you are the parent of an autistic child or autistic yourself, I can tell right away because someone who is autistic never says “autism” parent. They would say autistic parent.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2019 - 9:05pm / Post ID: #

Someone commented...

Page 2 Parent Autism As Yourself Refer Should

Name: Hannah

Comments: It’s simple grammar. I am autistic, so if I become a parent one day, I will be an autistic parent. A parent that is Neurotypical but has autistic children are parents with autistic children.

3rd Jul, 2019 - 12:31am / Post ID: #

Parent Autism As Yourself Refer Should

For me, there is a clear difference between an Autism Dad and Autistic Dad. I don't see the confusion at all. Often times, when discussing about raising 3 autistic children it is hard to please everyone's position on what exact terminology should be used. It is hard because you know someone will be unhappy or angry at whatever term you end up using.

I have encountered in the past that some people do not want you to say that you are raising 3 autistic children, they rather you to say just 3 children. The problem is that in order to explain/seek advice about some of the challenges you might be facing as a parent due to certain behaviours, the autism factor should be mentioned. It is not optional but crucial for the discussion.

Attached Image QUOTE
I'm not stress because my child is Autistic. I am stressed because they don't always have the support and resources out in the world. I'm stressed because some people aren't accepting of them being Autistic

When my children were younger besides being stressed because they didn't have the support and resources (Which they still don't have) I was also stressed because they didn't sleep throughout the night and I was up, working full time and getting no sleep. Does this mean I blamed them? No, but there has to be an honest acknowledgment that certain behaviors might not only cause stress to the autistic child but the parent too. There are autistic children and adults who get meltdowns on a daily basis.

One of my sons used to kick and bite and shout to the top of his voice if he saw a fly. Am I blaming him for that? Of course not, but it doesn't make it less stressful.

Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2019 - 11:45am / Post ID: #

Someone commented...

Should You Refer To Yourself As An Autism Parent?

Name: Anna

Comments: I agree with you. We aren't just the typical "Moms" and "Dads" we are autism parents. There are still so.many people who need to be educated. I'm still learning myself. We just got our diagnosis on the 13th of June but we've known for a while. I think we'll always be learning about our wonderful precious gifts.

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Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2019 - 1:05pm / Post ID: #

Someone commented...

Should Refer Yourself As Autism Parent - Page 2

Name: Vae

Comments: I don't think, it should even matter. People are getting offended by words so easily nowadays, however you do it, you're doing it wrong anyway.

If your intentions are right (And non-offensive) than people shouldn't be offended, however you put it. If they do anyway - their problem.

13th Jan, 2020 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #

Should Refer Yourself As Autism Parent Psychology Special & Health - Page 2

What matters the most is how a parent treats their child an not how they refer to themselves.

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