I, am Varrik, my parents gave me this name cause it was the name of a legendary warlord back at the mythic era. Im seen as a rougue because y refuse to follow the life that my mother wanted for me. Im not interested on conquering lands or ruling kingdoms, rather I am a follower of knowledge and a seeker of adventure.
Im a eastener, born in a small war clan village, my father was believed to be a soldier and my mother a kind of sorcerer.
Im 1.80 metters tall, my body is Athletic .
People barely sees my face, I always wear a cowl or I replicate others appeareance but my skin is tan, I have a medium black hair, a black eye and the other was lost in my childhood.
Espionage and information are my trade, darkness is my ally and the wilderness my element in battle, I move arround trhough climbing and jumping buildings to get unseen.
Im really good fighting with daggers, katanas and short swords.
Im decent with the bow.
I don't like metalic armor except from the light mytril so I constantly use leather. Butbi rather dodge enemy attacks or rather passing by undetected.
Illusion magic is my favored school, since I was a kid I manage to watch other people dreams and later on how to cast allucinations against my enemies.
Im looking to, master myself in the knowledge of magic and stealth to become an epic spymaster and reach out the absolute truth.
Advisor Description
We met at late day it was about to get dark, I was doing my job as a trapper when I saw somthing lurking me in the distance, I played dumb and when he did?nt notice I was behind him carrying a large branch " who are you and why are you watching me" I said, then he looked at me with a complaining but friendlier voice "well looks like your awareness improve, hey you are not the only one with wishes of leaving the village of brutes and power hunger witches" we laugh and start talking about what was about our lives since childhood.
Mordin is a really smart guy, when I was`nt being pushed arround by the preachers or the arm masters, I used tyo spend time with mordin, his parents were healers and scholars, he knows a lot of astronomy, history and a bit of black magick but he dosent have a clue about using spells.
he`s a blacksmith with arcane abilities looking to make enchanted machines for the better future and transportation but the same as me we weren't the most wealthfull of the kingdom so we need to establish ourselves in order to fill our task.
im glad the fact that I am no longer alone in my trip to becoming and spymaster, maybe mordin is going to take a different way someday but now, we have to manage ourselves to make a living in this mid size town known as Camlorn Falls. He will become a great machinist and forger, maybe the next Ephestus Malkoran (A legendary Drawf whinch invented the mining rail system there in the Dwarven Lands).
We are going to spend a lot of time togheter until I made myself strong and wise to trow myself on adventure.
House of Sorrows
The children have born with a particular way to see the world beyond its boundries but such gift has its price, the common things of life cannot be understood so easy by the children.
One is hyperactive but distracted while gailen is a quiet child, maybe is heavily smart but really dificult in understanding his own emotions.
The father is the responsable of this, maybe cause one of them is a half orc, an unique race marginated by sociaity and even more with this "autism sing".
As well looks like the father had done this on purpose to make the mankind understand about tolerance of diferent kinds of living things. But this world is cruel, we saw war as a normal thing and we are hostile to anithing else aside from that.
Probable JB is some kind of powefull wizard or a demigod.... Who knows I like to see what's next.