I, Darith the Warrior, was attacked by a Soldier and was victorious in combat.
Breath of life comes to Darith the Warrior. It may be the 4th time, but I shall conquer this fumes of fancy even if it be the one hundredth time!.
Breath of life comes to Darith the Warrior. This be a hallucination, for who knew that it would take mine 5th resuscitation to be entranced.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Beauty beyond this world. Golden hair that resembles the suns rays on a hot summer day. Juicy lips that makes any man wish he could have a taste. Sparkling blue eyes that any man could get lost in. Skin smooth and silky just the perfect blend. A gorgous woman indeed, with all the right beauty features to make any man plead.
Darith died being scum. He was hated by most and was overall a very evil human being. He deserved the death he found, always seeking violence and harm to others. He will not be missed among the community. I do pray that his soul be cleasned for the afterlife and that he may find peace wherever he may end up. Let the power of the gods take it from here and we say to this young man, goodbye.