My name is Bowjangols. I am deadly when it comes to swordplay. I believe in order in all things, and I will play my role in maintaining that order. I am on the glorious path of being the next ruler of kings, and nothing on this earth will stop my destination. With my few reliable support systems, I will accomplish my quest. Mark my words on this day that everyone shall bow to me.
I be the proud owner of a new wooden abode which I bought today fer a hefty price.
Advisor Description
I met Jenith in the town tavern. We was standing with the tavern owner all having a friendly conversation. I brought up the road I'm on to becoming the next ruler of kings and she was impressed. She shared with me what abilities she has and some of her knowledge about people. After talking a little longer she asked to join me on my quest and I happily accepted. I think she's a good person at heart that sees a chance to use her skills to gain a higher social status and power. I think overall we will be a deadly combination that will ensure my success.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Your beautiful features are out of this world. Bleach blonde hair that reminds me of the sun on a summer day. Blue eyes like the ocean. Red juicy lips that drive desire through any man. A smile that gives every man a spark of hope. A body that men would argue and fight over. Skin that's like milk.
T'was the first time I encountered a Dog Rat. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.
A Bat Swarm died due to my unique combat skills.
I, Bowjangols, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 1 among my fellow men.
I, Bowjangols, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.