A Dog Rat looks strange when motionless on the ground.
A Bat Swarm was one of the enemies that I laid low this day.
I, Chaos, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.
Why Am I Chaos?
I was asked why I am evil and I suppose I might be seen that way by many but I do not see myself as "evil". Instead I see myself as not subject to others and what they feel I should so. Maybe the lack of conforming to society makes me evil, but so be it.
A Woodsman died due to my unique combat skills.
Some refer to me as Chaos, the Fire Tamer master.
Reflections on your father
I did not know my father as a child typically does. I vaguely remember his face but nothing detailed. My mother and a few others told me about him but it really does not matter because he did not play any part in my life. I am also angered that he was not there to defend my mother when she needed it.
Message to Advisor
Imagine the nerve of a peasant beggar telling me he wants my hard earned gold instead of seeking ways to get it for himself. Some people think they can simply live off of others indefinitely. Of course I refused and he cursed me - the nerve!